perl comparision - ghdrako/doc_snipets GitHub Wiki

Numeric String Meaning
== eq equal
!= ne not equal
< lt less than
> gt greater than
<= le less than or equal
>= ge greater than or equal
12.0   == 12    TRUE
"12.0"  == 12    TRUE
"12.0"  eq 12    FALSE
  2     <   3    TRUE
  2    lt   3    TRUE
 12     >   3    TRUE
 12    gt   3    FALSE ! (look out, might not be obvious at first)
"foo"  ==  ""    TRUE  ! (You get warnings if you used the "warnings" pragmata)
"foo"  eq  ""    FALSE
"foo"  == "bar"  TRUE  ! (You get warnings if you used the "warnings" pragmata)
"foo"  eq "bar"  FALSE

"foo"  == "bar" will be TRUE -  both strings start with a letter they will be both converted to 0. 0 == 0 so that's why we get true
"foo"  == "" will be TRUE
"foo"  eq "bar"  FALSE
"foo"  eq "" will be FALSE