network netcat nc socat - ghdrako/doc_snipets GitHub Wiki

netcat and socat commands provide efficient and reliable solutions for copying files into remote systems, streamlining file transfer tasks

Transferring files using netca

  • Local machine:
nc -nv 4444 < file_to_transfer

The -n flag ensures that no DNS resolution is performed for the IP address,, and -v provides verbose output about the connection process.

  • Remote machine:
nc -nlvp 4444 > file_to_transfer

Transferring files using socat :

(remote machine)

socat TCP4-LISTEN:4444,fork file:file_to_transfer

This command sets up a TCP listener on port 4444. When a connection is established to this port, socat reads the content of the local file_to_transfer file and sends it to the connected client.

Local machine

socat file:file_to_transfer,create

Socat offers more advanced capabilities and options, making it suitable for a wider range of networking scenarios, including complex data manipulation, encryption, and proxying.

This command initiates a TCP connection to the remote machine at IP address on port 4444. Once connected, socat reads the contents of the local file_to_transfer file and sends it to the remote machine. The create option instructs socat to create the shadow.txt file on the remote machine if it doesn’t already exist. After the transfer is complete, the local shadow.txt file is created or overwritten with the received data.

This command sets up a TCP listener on port 4444. When a connection is established to this port, socat reads the content of the local file_to_transfer file and sends it to the connected client. The fork option allows socat to handle multiple incoming connections independently.

If you want to know if a SSH or SMTP daemon is reachable, use netcat to connect to port 22 or 25. Do you get a protocol banner back? Or does something accept the connection but not answer?

$ nc 25
220 ESMTP Sendmail 8.15.2/8.15.2; Fri, 28
Aug 2020 14:23:09 -0400 (EDT)

If I use netcat to connect to a TLS-wrapped port, you’ll get binary TLS in my text-only client.

For comunication

nc -l <port_number> #  listen for incoming connections on the specified port number
nc <server_ip_address> <port_number> # establish a connection to the server on the specified port number
nc -lk 6379

# klient 
printf "test\n" | nc <ip> 6379

For Port Scanning

nc -z <server_ip_address> <port_range>

For File Transfer

nc -l <port_number> > <file_name>  # isten for incoming connections on the specified port number and save the incoming data to the specified file name
nc <server_ip_address> <port_number> < <file_name> # establish a connection to the server on the specified port number and send the data from the specified file to the server


nc -znvw <ip> <port> # sprawdzenie czy ruch otwarty
nc [options] host port
  • -z option will tell nc to only scan for open ports, without sending any data to them
  • -v option to provide more verbose information
  • -u option to establish a UDP connection insted TCP (default)
  • -w specifies a timeout for connection that can not be established.
  • -l option setting the Netcat to listen on a specific port and then establishing a regular TCP connection from the other host and sending the file over it.

General Options

command Description
nc -4 [options] [host] [port] Use IPv4 addressing only
nc -6 [options] [host] [port] Use IPv6 addressing only
nc -u [options] [host] [port] UDP instead of TCP
nc -l [host] [port] Listen for an incoming connection
nc -k -l [host] [port] Continue listening after client has disconnected
nc -n [host] [port] No DNS lookups
nc -p [source port] [host] [port] Use specific source port
nc -s [source ip] [host] [port] Use source IP
nc -w [timeout] [host] [port] Apply 'n' second timeout
nc -v [host] [port] Verbose output

Port Scanning

command Description
nc -zv 80 Scan a single TCP port
nc -zv 80-84 Scan a range of ports
nc -zv 80 84 Scan multiple ports

SimpleHTTP Server

Single use web server listening on port 8080

( echo -ne "HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: $(wc -c <index.html)\r\n\r\n" ; cat index.html ) | nc -l 8080

Bash while loop restarts web server after each request

while : ; do ( echo -ne "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: $(wc -c <index.html)\r\n\r\n" ; cat index.html; ) | nc -l -p 8080 ; done
$ while : ; do ( echo -ne "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" ; cat index.html; ) | nc -l -p 8080 ; done

$cat index.html
                <title>Test Page</title>
                      <p>Serving this file using Netcat Basic HTTP server!</p>


nc "$host" "$port"
nc "localhost" 12345

Simple Proxy

mknod backpipe p ; nc -l [proxy port] < backpipe \| nc [destination host] [destination port] > pipe 

Create a named pipe. Setup an a listener on proxy port. Forward requests from listener to a client which in-turn sends them onto the destination host. The client redirects the response from the destination host into the named pipe. The listener picks up the response from the named pipe and returns it. The named pipe thus allows the proxy to transmit data bi-directionally.


nc –l 5500
nc 5555 < file_name # send the file
nc -l 5555 > file_name # write output to file
nc -l 5555 | tar xzvf - # extract resived tar file
tar czvf - /path/to/dir | nc 5555

Listen keep open

nc -lk 6379


nc -zv 22

Python server

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 1337
 # Connect
    nc -zv <ip> <port>

    # Listen
    nc -l -p <port>       # Listen on port
    nc -w3 <ip> <port>  # Listen for connection from IP on port

    # Search banners
    echo | nc -v -n -w1 <ip> <port min>-<port max>

    # Port scan
    nc –v –n –z –w1 <ip> <port>

Simulate telnet

Connect to a webserver and get the headers:

nc -v 80

Then type your GET request for / with a minimal host header.

GET / HTTP/1.1 [enter]
Host: [enter]

This method can be used for all ports. You can also get the headers for mail servers, ssh servers.

If you only want to know if the port is open, simply use:

nc -vz 80

You can also use netcat to verify if UDP ports are open:

nc -vz -u 53

And netcat can be used as a port scanner:

nc -vz <hostname or ip address> 1-1000
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️