linux supervisord - ghdrako/doc_snipets GitHub Wiki

supervisor ma /etc/supervisord/acp-stunnel.ini i z jej uruchamia procesy. Jesli proces nie moze sie zespawnowac 5 razy to składa Pod-a

supervisord's primary purpose is to create and manage processes based on data in its configuration file. It does this by creating subprocesses. Each subprocess spawned by supervisor is managed for the entirety of its lifetime by supervisord (supervisord is the parent process of each process it creates).

It shares some of the same goals of programs like launchd, daemontools, and runit

To start supervisord, run $BINDIR/supervisord. The resulting process will daemonize itself and detach from the terminal. It keeps an operations log at $CWD/supervisor. log by default.

pip install supervisor
echo_supervisord_conf > /etc/supervisord.conf


Który mówi żeby uruchamiać plik /opt/run_python_financial z roota. Standardowe wyjście aplikacji przekierowywać do /var/log/stdout_financial.log a wyjście błędów do /var/log/stderr_financial.log. Nasza aplikacja ma zaimplementowane logowanie bezpośrednio do pliku a nie na standardowe wyjście, więc supervisor zbyt dużo nie przekieruje ale takie linijki zawsze warto mieć.

Plik /opt/run_python_financial ma zawartość:

source /opt/virtual_envs/bin/activate
exec gold_digger

No i skoro to już mamy to możemy go uruchomić, wpisując:


Aby zarządzać procesami możesz uruchomić program supervisorctl i będzie tam lista aktywnych procesów. Taka konsola jest przydatna i potrzebna ale poza nią możemy mieć jeszcze dostęp przez przeglądarkę. Aby taką możliwość uruchomić należy w pliku konfiguracyjnym- /etc/supervisord.conf – w sekcji inet_http_server odkomentować wszystkie 3 ustawienia oraz ustawić hasło i login.

Dodamy więc do CRON’a zadanie – niech on mi gasi aplikację powiedzmy o 00:01 w sobotę i podnosi o tej samej godzinie w poniedziałek:

1 0 * * 1 /usr/bin/supervisorctl start python_finacial
1 0 * * 6 /usr/bin/supervisorctl stop python_finacial

supervisorctl Actions

command description
help Print a list of available actions
help Print help for
add […] Activates any updates in config for process/group
remove […] Removes process/group from active config
update Reload config and add/remove as necessary, and will restart affected programs
update all Reload config and add/remove as necessary, and will restart affected programs
update […] Update specific groups, and will restart affected programs
clear Clear a process’ log files.
clear Clear multiple process’ log files
clear all Clear all process’ log files
fg Connect to a process in foreground mode Press Ctrl+C to exit foreground
pid Get the PID of supervisord.
pid Get the PID of a single child process by name.
pid all Get the PID of every child process, one per line.
reload Restarts the remote supervisord
reread Reload the daemon’s configuration files, without add/remove (no restarts)
restart Restart a process Note: restart does not reread config files. For that, see reread and update.
restart :* Restart all processes in a group Note: restart does not reread config files. For that, see reread and update.
restart Restart multiple processes or groups Note: restart does not reread config files. For that, see reread and update.
restart all Restart all processes Note: restart does not reread config files. For that, see reread and update.
signal No help on signal
start Start a process
start :* Start all processes in a group
start Start multiple processes or groups
start all Start all processes
status Get all process status info.
status Get status on a single process by name.
status Get status on multiple named processes.
stop Stop a process
stop :* Stop all processes in a group
stop Stop multiple processes or groups
stop all Stop all processes
tail [-f] [stdout|stderr] (default stdout) Output the last part of process logs Ex: tail -f Continuous tail of named process stdout Ctrl-C to exit. tail -100 last 100 bytes of process stdout tail stderr last 1600 bytes of process stderr
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️