linux od - ghdrako/doc_snipets GitHub Wiki

Conver from binary to hexdump (without new line):

od -t x1 -An file |tr -d '\n '

Perl solution:

perl -e 'local $/; print unpack "H*", <>' file

NAME od - dump files in octal and other formats

SYNOPSIS od [OPTION]... [FILE]... od [-abcdfilosx]... [FILE] [+]OFFSET[.]b od --traditional [OPTION]... [FILE] [+]OFFSET[.][b] [+][LABEL][.]b

DESCRIPTION Write an unambiguous representation, octal bytes by default, of FILE to standard output. With more than one FILE argument, concatenate them in the listed order to form the input. With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.

   All arguments to long options are mandatory for short options.

   -A, --address-radix=RADIX
          decide how file offsets are printed

   -j, --skip-bytes=BYTES
          skip BYTES input bytes first

   -N, --read-bytes=BYTES
          limit dump to BYTES input bytes

   -S, --strings[=BYTES]
          output strings of at least BYTES graphic chars

   -t, --format=TYPE
          select output format or formats

   -v, --output-duplicates
          do not use * to mark line suppression

   -w, --width[=BYTES]
          output BYTES bytes per output line

          accept arguments in traditional form

   --help display this help and exit

          output version information and exit

Traditional format specifications may be intermixed; they accumulate: -a same as -t a, select named characters, ignoring high-order bit

   -b     same as -t o1, select octal bytes

   -c     same as -t c,  select ASCII characters or backslash escapes

   -d     same as -t u2, select unsigned decimal 2-byte units

   -f     same as -t fF, select floats

   -i     same as -t dI, select decimal ints

   -l     same as -t dL, select decimal longs

   -o     same as -t o2, select octal 2-byte units

   -s     same as -t d2, select decimal 2-byte units

   -x     same as -t x2, select hexadecimal 2-byte units

   If first and second call formats both apply, the second format is assumed if the last operand begins with + or (if there are 2 operands) a digit.  An  OFFSET  operand  means  -j  OFFSET.

for multiply by 512.

   TYPE is made up of one or more of these specifications:

   a      named character, ignoring high-order bit

   c      ASCII character or backslash escape

          signed decimal, SIZE bytes per integer

          floating point, SIZE bytes per integer

          octal, SIZE bytes per integer

          unsigned decimal, SIZE bytes per integer

          hexadecimal, SIZE bytes per integer

   SIZE is a number.  For TYPE in doux, SIZE may also be C for sizeof(char), S for sizeof(short), I for sizeof(int) or  L  for  sizeof(long).   If  TYPE  is  f,  SIZE  may  also  be  F  for
   sizeof(float), D for sizeof(double) or L for sizeof(long double).

   RADIX  is d for decimal, o for octal, x for hexadecimal or n for none.  BYTES is hexadecimal with 0x or 0X prefix, and may have a multiplier suffix: b 512, kB 1000, K 1024, MB 1000*1000,
   M 1024*1024, GB 1000*1000*1000, G 1024*1024*1024, and so on for T, P, E, Z, Y.  Adding a z suffix to any type displays printable characters at  the  end  of  each  output  line.   Option
   --string without a number implies 3; option --width without a number implies 32.  By default, od uses -A o -t oS -w16.