jenkins plugin vault - ghdrako/doc_snipets GitHub Wiki

This plugin adds a build wrapper to set environment variables from a HashiCorp Vault secret. Secrets are generally masked in the build log, so you can't accidentally print them. It also has the ability to inject Vault credentials into a build pipeline or freestyle job for fine-grained vault interactions.

node {
    // define the secrets and the env variables
    // engine version can be defined on secret, job, folder or global.
    // the default is engine version 2 unless otherwise specified globally.
    def secrets = [
        [path: 'secret/testing', engineVersion: 1, secretValues: [
            [envVar: 'testing', vaultKey: 'value_one'],
            [envVar: 'testing_again', vaultKey: 'value_two']]],
        [path: 'secret/another_test', engineVersion: 2, secretValues: [
            [vaultKey: 'another_test']]]

    // optional configuration, if you do not provide this the next higher configuration
    // (e.g. folder or global) will be used
    def configuration = [vaultUrl: '',
                         vaultCredentialId: 'my-vault-cred-id',
                         engineVersion: 1]
    // inside this block your credentials will be available as env variables
    withVault([configuration: configuration, vaultSecrets: secrets]) {
        sh 'echo $testing'
        sh 'echo $testing_again'
        sh 'echo $another_test'