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When invoke the sed command, an execution cycle refers to various options that are specified and executed until the end of the file/input is reached. Specifically, an execution cycle performs the following steps:
- Reads an entire line from stdin/file.
- Removes any trailing newline.
- Places the line in its pattern buffer.
- Modifies the pattern buffer according to the supplied commands.
- Prints the pattern buffer to stdout.
sed –n /3/p numbers.txt
The –n
option suppresses all output, and the p
option prints the
matching line. If you omit the –n
option, then every line is printed, and
the p
option causes the matching line to be printed again.
sed –n ̎/123/,/five/p̎ numbers.txt # match two patterns and print everything between the lines that match
echo $x |sed s/abc/def/
$ echo abcdefabc |sed s/abc//
$ echo abcdefabc |sed s/abc//g
Note that we are operating directly on the main stream with this command, as we are not using the -n tag. You can also suppress the main stream with -n and print the substitution, achieving the same output if you use the terminal p (print) instruction:
$ echo abcdefabc |sed -n s/abc//gp
sed '/WARNING/ s/required/urgent/' data.txt
- The Address Part: /WARNING/ limits the substitution only to lines containing the word ‘WARNING’.
- Output: Other lines are now passed through unmodified
sed '/ERROR/,/WARNING/ s/required/urgent/' data.txt
sed '/^INFO/d' data.txt
- d is for delete: The address /^INFO/ matches lines starting with ‘INFO’
- Output: Our ‘INFO’ line vanishes; error messages remain.
sed '3d' data.txt # Deletes the 3rd line
sed '1,5 s/\[.*\]//g' data.txt # Removes [Code 127]-like parts from lines 1 to 5
sed 's/:/;/g' data.txt # Replaces *all* colons with semicolons in each line
sed 's/\([0-9]\{3\}\)-\([0-9]\{4\}\)/(\2) \1/' phone_data.txt
- Uses capture groups () and backreferences (\1, \2) to reformat phone numbers!
sed 'y/abc/XYZ/' data.txt # Replaces each 'a' -> 'X', 'b' -> 'Y', etc.
- Use with Caution: sed -i 's/foo/bar/g' my_file.txt edits the file directly
- Backups First: sed -i.bak 's/foo/bar/g' my_file.txt is safer (creates my_file.txt.bak)
sed -e 's/ERROR/CRITICAL/g' \
-e '/Code/d' data.txt
- -e is for specifying multiple commands
- Each line is basically a mini ‘sed’ program on its own. Order matters!
Command Syntax
/abc/p # Print all with "abc"
/abc/!p # Print all without "abc"
/abc/d # Delete all with "abc"
/abc/!d # Delete all without "abc"
/start/,/end/!d # Select a block
s/abc\(...\)ghi/\1/ # Back references
# (see below for correct Shell quoting)
/abc/{s/def/ghi)} # Conditional replace
Appending lines
aHallo # Append 'Hallo' after each line
5 aHallo # Append 'Hallo' after line #5
$ aHallo # Append 'Hallo' to end of file
Prepending lines
sed -i '1s;^;new line 1\nanother new line 2\n;' <file>
Remove quotes from start and end of the string
sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' <<<"$var1"
Remove Double Quote and Store Output in variable
var2=`sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' <<<"$var1"` #Save in another variable
var1=`sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' <<<"$var1"` #Save in same variable
Remove Double Quote and Store Output in file
sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' <<<"$var1" > out_var.txt
In-place Editing
To edit file use the -i option this safely changes the file contents without any output redirection needed.
sed -i 's/abc/ABC/' myfile.txt
sed -i '/deleteme/d' *
Drop grep
Often grep and sed are used together. In all those cases grep can be dropped. For example
grep "pattern" file | sed "s/abc/def/"
can be written as
sed -n "/pattern/p; s/abc/def/"
Grouping with sed
Always use single quotes!
sed 's/^.*\(pattern\).*/\1/'
Single Quoting Single Quotes
If you want to do extraction and need a pattern based on single quotes use \x27 instead of trying to insert a single quote. For example:
sed 's/.*var=\x27\([^\x27]*\)\x27.*/\1/'
to extract “some string” from “var=‘some string’”. Or if you don’t know about the quoting, but know there are quotes
sed 's/.*var=.\([^"\x27]*\)..*/\1/'
Conditional Replace with sed
sed '/conditional pattern/{s/pattern/replacement/g}'
Prefix files with a boilerplate using sed
sed -i '1s/^/# DO NOT TOUCH THIS FILE!\n\n/' *
Removing Newlines with sed
The only way to remove new line is this:
sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n//g' file
Check out this explanation if you want to know why.
Selecting Blocks
sed '/first line/,/last line/!d' file
Print a specific line from a file
sed -n 10p /path/to/file
Remove a specific line from a file
sed -i 10d /path/to/file
# alternative (BSD): sed -i'' 10d /path/to/file
Remove a range of lines from a file
sed -i <file> -re '<start>,<end>d'
Replace newline(s) with a space
sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g' /path/to/file
# cross-platform compatible syntax:
sed -e ':a' -e 'N' -e '$!ba' -e 's/\n/ /g' /path/to/file
create a labela
append the next line to the pattern space -
if not the last line, ba branch (go to) labela
regex for new line,/ /
by a space,/g
global match (as many times as it can)
# perl version (sed-like speed):
perl -p -e 's/\n/ /' /path/to/file
# bash version (slow):
while read line ; do printf "%s" "$line " ; done < file
Delete string +N next lines
sed '/start/,+4d' /path/to/file