bash sed - ghdrako/doc_snipets GitHub Wiki
info about sed
info sed
Command | Description |
: |
label |
= |
line_number |
a |
append_text_to_stdout_after_flush |
b |
branch_unconditional |
c |
range_change |
d |
pattern_delete_top/cycle |
D |
pattern_ltrunc(line+nl)_top/cycle |
g |
pattern=hold |
G |
pattern+=nl+hold |
h |
hold=pattern |
H |
hold+=nl+pattern |
i |
insert_text_to_stdout_now |
l |
pattern_list |
n |
pattern_flush=nextline_continue |
N |
pattern+=nl+nextline |
p |
pattern_print |
P |
pattern_first_line_print |
q |
flush_quit |
r |
append_file_to_stdout_after_flush |
s |
substitute |
t |
branch_on_substitute |
w |
append_pattern_to_file_now |
x |
swap_pattern_and_hold |
y |
transform_chars |
When invoke the sed command, an execution cycle refers to various options that are specified and executed until the end of the file/input is reached. Specifically, an execution cycle performs the following steps:
- Reads an entire line from stdin/file.
- Removes any trailing newline.
- Places the line in its pattern buffer.
- Modifies the pattern buffer according to the supplied commands.
- Prints the pattern buffer to stdout.
sed –n /3/p numbers.txt
The –n
option suppresses all output, and the p
option prints the
matching line. If you omit the –n
option, then every line is printed, and
the p
option causes the matching line to be printed again.
sed –n '/123/,/five/p' numbers.txt # match two patterns and print everything between the lines that match
echo $x |sed s/abc/def/
- substitute EVERY occurence/../../g
w file
- write to separate output file -
- okresla dokladnie ktore wystapienie ma zostac podmienione np /.../.../2 - tylko drugie wystopienie w lini bedzie podmienionw
sed 's/:/;/g' data.txt # Replaces *all* colons with semicolons in each line
$ echo abcdefabc |sed s/abc//
$ echo abcdefabc |sed s/abc//g
- PRINT, typically used in conjunction with-n
(don't print)
Note that we are operating directly on the main stream with this
command, as we are not using the -n
tag. You can also suppress the
main stream with -n
and print the substitution, achieving the same
output if you use the terminal p (print) instruction:
$ echo abcdefabc |sed -n s/abc//gp
Wyswietlamy tylko linie w ktorych cos zostalo podmienione
sed -n 's/good/bad; s/sentence/paragraph/p' sedFile.txt
sed -n '3,4/p' file.txt # show line 3 to 4
sed -n '/diamond/p' file.txt # like grep show line contain word diamond
sed 's/\/bin\/bash/\/bin\/zsh/' /etc/passwd
sed 's!/bin/bash!/bin/zsh!' /etc/passwd
sed '2s/what/WHO/' file.txt # substritute only in line 2
sed '3d' data.txt # Deletes the 3rd line
sed '2,3s/what/WHO/' file.txt # substritute only in line in reange 2 to 3
sed '2,$s/what/WHO/' file.txt # substritute only in line in reange 2 to end of file
sed '1,5 s/\[.*\]//g' data.txt # Removes [Code 127]-like parts from lines 1 to 5
- substitute only with line contains WARNING string
sed '/WARNING/ s/required/urgent/' data.txt
- The Address Part: /WARNING/ limits the substitution only to lines containing the word ‘WARNING’.
- Output: Other lines are now passed through unmodified
sed '/ERROR/,/WARNING/ s/required/urgent/' data.txt
sed 'd' data.txt # delete all lines in output
sed '4d' data.txt # delete line number 4
sed '4,$d' data.txt # delete line number 4
sed '/world/d' data.txt # delete lines with word "world"
sed '/^INFO/d' data.txt
sed '/^$/d' data.txt # remove empty lines
is for delete: The address /^INFO/ matches lines starting with ‘INFO’ - Output: Our ‘INFO’ line vanishes; error messages remain.
sed '2{
}' file.txt
sed 'i\Line inserted at begining` file.txt
sed '1i\Line inserted at beggining (before line nr 1)` file.txt
sed '4i\Line inserted before line number 4` file.txt
Multi-line insert
sed '4i\
Line A\
Line B' file.txt
sed 'a\Line append at end` file.txt
sed '4a\Line apppend after line number 4` file.txt
sed '/diamond/a\Line apppend after line with word diamond` file.txt
Multi-line append
sed '4a\
Line A\
Line B' file.txt
In example append
Line to add
sed '3r extra.txt' file.txt # append after line 3
Line to add
sed '4c\Line replace line number 4` file.txt
sed 'y/abc/zyz/' file.txt # a->x,b->y,c->z
sed '=' longfile.txt
Numbering and showing only lines contains ulocked word
sed -n '/unlocked/{=;p}longfile.txt
sed 's/\([0-9]\{3\}\)-\([0-9]\{4\}\)/(\2) \1/' phone_data.txt
- Uses capture groups () and backreferences (\1, \2) to reformat phone numbers!
sed 'y/abc/XYZ/' data.txt # Replaces each 'a' -> 'X', 'b' -> 'Y', etc.
- Use with Caution: sed -i 's/foo/bar/g' my_file.txt edits the file directly
- Backups First: sed -i.bak 's/foo/bar/g' my_file.txt is safer (creates my_file.txt.bak)
sed -e 's/good/bad; s/sentence/paragraph' sedFile.txt
or prefered because more readable
sed -e '
' sedFile.txt
sed -e 's/ERROR/CRITICAL/g' \
-e '/Code/d' data.txt
- -e is for specifying multiple commands
- Each line is basically a mini ‘sed’ program on its own. Order matters!
or using script file
sed -f sedScript.sed sedFile.txt
/abc/p # Print all with "abc"
/abc/!p # Print all without "abc"
/abc/d # Delete all with "abc"
/abc/!d # Delete all without "abc"
/start/,/end/!d # Select a block
s/abc\(...\)ghi/\1/ # Back references
# (see below for correct Shell quoting)
/abc/{s/def/ghi)} # Conditional replace
aHallo # Append 'Hallo' after each line
5 aHallo # Append 'Hallo' after line #5
$ aHallo # Append 'Hallo' to end of file
sed -i '1s;^;new line 1\nanother new line 2\n;' <file>
- Remove quotes from start and end of the string
sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' <<<"$var1"
- Remove Double Quote and Store Output in variable
var2=`sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' <<<"$var1"` #Save in another variable
var1=`sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' <<<"$var1"` #Save in same variable
- Remove Double Quote and Store Output in file
sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' <<<"$var1" > out_var.txt
In-place Editing
To edit file use the -i option this safely changes the file contents without any output redirection needed.
sed -i 's/abc/ABC/' myfile.txt
sed -i '/deleteme/d' *
Often grep and sed are used together. In all those cases grep can be dropped. For example
grep "pattern" file | sed "s/abc/def/"
can be written as
sed -n "/pattern/p; s/abc/def/"
Always use single quotes!
sed 's/^.*\(pattern\).*/\1/'
Single Quoting Single Quotes
If you want to do extraction and need a pattern based on single quotes use \x27 instead of trying to insert a single quote. For example:
sed 's/.*var=\x27\([^\x27]*\)\x27.*/\1/'
to extract “some string” from “var=‘some string’”. Or if you don’t know about the quoting, but know there are quotes
sed 's/.*var=.\([^"\x27]*\)..*/\1/'
sed '/conditional pattern/{s/pattern/replacement/g}'
sed -i '1s/^/# DO NOT TOUCH THIS FILE!\n\n/' *
The only way to remove new line is this:
sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n//g' file
Check out this explanation if you want to know why.
sed '/first line/,/last line/!d' file
sed -n 10p /path/to/file
sed -i 10d /path/to/file
# alternative (BSD): sed -i'' 10d /path/to/file
sed -i <file> -re '<start>,<end>d'
sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g' /path/to/file
# cross-platform compatible syntax:
sed -e ':a' -e 'N' -e '$!ba' -e 's/\n/ /g' /path/to/file
create a labela
append the next line to the pattern space -
if not the last line, ba branch (go to) labela
regex for new line,/ /
by a space,/g
global match (as many times as it can)
# perl version (sed-like speed):
perl -p -e 's/\n/ /' /path/to/file
# bash version (slow):
while read line ; do printf "%s" "$line " ; done < file
Delete string +N next lines
sed '/start/,+4d' /path/to/file
Multiple lines can be processed as one buffer using the D,G,H,N,P
. They are similar to their lowercase counterparts (d,g, h,n,p
), except that these commands append or subtract data while respecting embedded newlines - allowing adding and removing lines from the pattern and hold spaces
By default, when sed reads a line in the pattern space, it discards the terminating newline (\n) character.
If our record is spread on 3 lines we need resize the pattern space to have whole record to match
Then we can search and replace using the substitution (s) command:
With new lines available in the pattern space, we can use the \n character as part of the regex.
s/(.*\n)(.*: ).*(\n.*: 500)/\1\2Finance\3/;
Finally, we can slide the pattern space window by using the d command at the end of the current read-cycle, followed by two invocations of the N command in the next read-cycle:
$ sed '' emp-db.txt
Name: Alex
Department: Tech
EmpId: 100
Name: George
Department: HR
EmpId: 500
$ sed '' emp.sed
s/(.*\n)(.*: ).*(\n.*: 500)/\1\2Finance\3/;
$ sed -E -n -f emp.sed emp-db.txt
Name: Alex
Department: Tech
EmpId: 100
Name: George
Department: Finance
EmpId: 500
- append line to the pattern space
This is first line of text.
This is second line of text.
This is third line of text.
This is fouth line of text.
This is fifth line of text.
sed '/first/{N; s/\n/ /}}' file.txt
This is first line of text. This is second line of text.
This is third line of text.
This is fouth line of text.
This is fifth line of text.
There are two separate areas Pattern Space and Holding Space
command | Description |
h |
copies pattern space to hold space |
H |
append pattern space to hold space |
g |
copies hold space to pattern space |
G |
append hold space to pattern space |
x |
exchanges content of pattern and hold space |
This is first line of text.
This is second line of text.
This is third line of text.
This is fouth line of text.
This is fifth line of text.
sed '/first/{h;n;p;g;p}' file.txt
This is second line of text.
This is first line of text.
This is third line of text.
This is fouth line of text.
This is fifth line of text.
sed '/first/{1!G;h;$p}' file.txt # odwrocenie kolejnoscia lini w pliku
This is fifth line of text.
This is fouth line of text.
This is third line of text.
This is second line of text.
This is first line of text.
dla lini 1 nie wykonuj dodania hold space to patern space poniewaz hold space jest puste a dla pozostalych juz tak -
kopiuj linie 1 do z patern space do hold space -
wypisz zawartosc pattern space jak bedziemy w ostatniej linii