bash grep rgrep - ghdrako/doc_snipets GitHub Wiki
W wielu systemach rgrep to alias na grep -R
grep <pattern> a.txt
grep <pattern> a.txt b.txt
grep <pattern> *.txt
grep -r <pattern> ./* # scan files in current dir and subdirs
grep -iw "jest" plik # wyszukanie bez rozroznienia wielkosci liter (-i)
# dokladnego dopasowania slowa(-w)jest.
# Aby zostalo dopasowane musi miec spacje lub znak interpunkcyjny po jednej ze stron
# two command do the same
find dir -name "*.js" | xargs grep "describe" # better for debug
grep -r --include "*.js" "describe" dir
git grep "describe" # grep ignore all files git ignore and match result highlighted in red
grep -r --color "describe" # match result highlighted in red
grep abc *sh | grep def # matches lines containing abc AND
grep abc\|def *sh # matches lines containing abc OR def
- The
option counts the number of occurrences of a string: even though has no matches, it still counts them and returns zero:
grep –c abc *sh
The output of the preceding command is here:
* The ``-e`` option lets you match patterns that would otherwise cause syntax problems (the – character normally is interpreted as an argument or grep):
grep –e -abc *sh with -abc
The -e
option also lets you match multiple patterns.
grep –e -abc -e comment *sh ABC in a comment with -abc
- The
option search binaries: treat binaries as textinstead of ignoring it - The
option performs a case insensitive match - The
option “inverts” the matching string - The
option lists only the filenames that contain a successful match - The
option specifies the line numbers of any matching file - The
option suppresses the display of the filename for a - The
option shows only the matched string (this is how you avoid returning the entire line that matches): - The
option followed by the–b
option shows the position of the matched string (it returns the character position, not the line mber. The "o" in "one" is the 59th character of the file):
grep –o –b one columns4.txt
- The
option specify a recursive search This searches not only every file in directory /etc, but every file in every subdirectory of etc):
grep –r abc /etc
-B n
before -
-A n
after -
-C n
grep -n "#" *.md # add line number in result
grep -A 2 --color "#" *.md # show matched line and two after
grep -B 2 --color "#" *.md # show matched line and two before
grep -C 2 --color "#" *.md # show matched line and two before and after C - context
grep -r -n -C 2 --color "#" *.md
grep --color "http." *.md # dot match exacly one character
grep --color "https\?" *.md # s match zero or one time \? - match http and https
grep --color "###\+" *.md # s match one or more times \+ - match https
grep --color "\.com" *.md # escape - not interprete as special
grep --color "##*" *.md # glob wildcard character
grep --color "(.*)" *.md # glob wildcard character
grep --color -E "https?" *.md # s match zero or one time ? - match http and https
grep --color -E "https+" *.md # s match one or more times + - match https
grep --color "https+" *.md # withow escaping or flag -E is treat as ordinary char
echo "is grey or gray ?"|grep --color "grey\|gray"
echo "is grey or gray ?"|grep --color -E "grey|gray"
grep --color -rE "grey|gray" /examples
Position in the line
grep --color "^#" *.md # at the begining of the line match hash(#)
grep --color ",$" *.md # at the end of the line match comma(,)
grep --color -r "^import .* from" /examples
Class character
echo abc123| grep --color "[ab]"
echo abc123| grep --color "[a-z]"
echo abc123| grep --color "[1-3]"
grep --color "de[a-z]*er" *.md # match developer designer ...
grep --color "de[[:alpha]]*er" *.md # match developer designer ...
grep --color "[sS]pec" *.md
Grouping using ()
grep --color -rE "(grey|gray)\'" . # escape single quote to not interprete
grep --color -rE "(grey|gray)(\'|\")#?[[:digital]]+" .
Exclude with flag -v
find examples/angular -name "*.js" | grep -v "node_modules"
find examples/angular -name "*.js" | grep -vE "node_modules|Spec"
# recurisve grep on current folder
grep -R "createEmployee" .
# recursieve grep on .java files
grep -R "createemployee" *.java
# recursive grep on src/ directory
grep -R "createemployee" src/
# recursive grep on directories starts with 'sr'
grep -R "createEmployee" sr*
Search for a "pattern" inside all files in the current directory
grep -rn "pattern"
grep -RnisI "pattern" *
fgrep "pattern" * -R
Show only for multiple patterns
grep 'INFO*'\''WARN' filename
grep 'INFO\|WARN' filename
grep -e INFO -e WARN filename
grep -E '(INFO|WARN)' filename
egrep "INFO|WARN" filename
Except multiple patterns
grep -vE '(error|critical|warning)' filename
Show data from file without comments
grep -v ^[[:space:]]*# filename
Show data from file without comments and new lines
egrep -v '#|^$' filename
Show strings with a dash/hyphen
grep -e -- filename
grep -- -- filename
grep "\-\-" filename
Remove blank lines from a file and save output to new file
grep . filename > newfilename
- 0: Match found.
- 1: No match found.
- 2: Error (bad regex, file issues, etc.)
grep "search_pattern" file.txt
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Pattern found!"
elif [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
echo "Pattern not found."
echo "An error occurred during the search."