PostgreSQL psql Commnads - ghdrako/doc_snipets GitHub Wiki

Alternativ to pgsql:

Using psql variables

\set foo 1
SELECT :foo;

The meta-commands you run in psql perform SQL queries behind the scenes. You can see them by setting this variable

\set  ECHO_HIDDEN  on 

Once set, run any meta-command to see the SQL query printed out.


Description Meta-Command
\l List databases. This is the letter “l” and not the number 1.
\d Describe all objects (tables,views, sequences ...)
\dn+ Describe schemas (namespaces)
\dt Describe all tables
\dv Describe views
\d+ Describe definition when used with a view
\x Toggle expanded display
\! clear Clear the screen
\! <shell command> Execute shell command
\o <file-name> Ustawienie zbioru do ktorego zapisze sie wynika nastepnych kommend a zdo wpisanie \o
\set Set a psql variable e.g. \set foo 1 and use in statement SELECT :foo;
\e Edit queries in EDITOR
\df Describe functions
\dx Describe extensions
\di * Describe indexes that match pattern, e.g. \di index_users*
\dRs+ Describe subscriptions
\! clear Clear the screen
\set Set a psql variable
\g Execute the last command again
\s Display command history
\s filename Save the command history to a file
\i filename Execute psql commands from a file
\? Know all available psql commands
\h Get help
\e Edit command in your own editor
\a Switch from aligned to non-aligned column output
\H Switch the output to HTML format
\q Exit psql shell
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️