Ansible slurp - ghdrako/doc_snipets GitHub Wiki
both slurp and fetch and both mention they are intended to get the remote file.
The slurp module can be used the read the content of a file on a managed node (e.g. target system). However, when you want to read a file on the control node, the more common approach is to use the lookup plugin.
- name: Load spark defaults
src: /etc/spark/conf/spark-defaults.conf
remote_user: me
register: spark_defaults
use the stat module to determine if the file exists and is readable.
- name: store the stats of /tmp/foo.txt in the 'foo' variable
path: /tmp/foo.txt
register: foo
Surp module is used to get the content of foo.txt, and the register parameter stores the content in the "out" variable.
- name: read /tmp/foo.txt
src: /tmp/foo.txt
register: out
- foo.stat.exists == true
- foo.stat.readable == true
"content" is "bmV3IGxpbmUK" and encoding is "base64".
- name: output the content of the 'out' variable
var: out
to display the content of the file, the b64decode filter can be used.
- debug:
msg: "{{ out['content'] | b64decode }}"
use the set_fact module to create a new variable that contains the content of the file
- set_fact:
content: "{{ out['content'] | b64decode }}"
If you want to display the content of the file, you would do something like this.
- debug:
var: content
Split new lines (\n)
split can be used to split the new lines.
- set_fact:
content: "{{ out['content'] | b64decode }}"
- set_fact:
lines: "{{ content.split('\n') }}"
The debug module can be used to print the output.
- debug:
var: line_one
Determine if file does or does not contain a certain string
The following can be used to determine if foo.txt contains the string "Hello World".
- name: read foo.txt
src: foo.txt
register: out
- set_fact:
content: "{{ out['content'] | b64decode }}"
- name: foo.txt contains Hello World
msg: foo.txt contains Hello World
when: content is search 'Hello World'
- name: foo.txt does not contain Hello World
msg: foo.txt does not contain Hello World
when: content is not search 'Hello World'
regex_search or regex_findall can be used to only return lines in the file that contain a certain string.
- debug:
msg: "{{ out['content'] | b64decode | regex_findall('.*Line 2.*') }}"
Which should now return the following.
TASK [debug]
ok: [] => {
"msg": "Line 2"