Getting Started - ghasemdev/kpy-core GitHub Wiki



Gradle Setup

If you're using of Gradle Groovy, add the following to your build.gradle file.

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    implementation "com.github.jakode2020:kpy-core:$kpy_version"

If you're using of Gradle Kotlin, you can add the following to your build.gradle.kts.

dependencies {


Maven Setup

If you're using of Maven, add the following to your build.gradle file.


Then add the dependency


Getting Started


Kpy include some structure for validation and design pattern. more details on Structure


1. Validation

Password validation is one of the most widely used structures in programming. we can implement this structure easily with builder and observable pattern

val password = password {
    isValidLength { println("isValidLength :$it") }
    includeDigit { println("includeDigit :$it") }
    includeLowerCase { println("includeLowerCase :$it") }
    includeUpperCase { println("includeUpperCase :$it") }
    includeSpecialChar { println("includeSpecialChar :$it") }
    excludeWhitespace { println("excludeWhitespace :$it") }
password.value = "Shgktl125&**#jhSS"
password.value = " "

Output :

isValidLength :true
includeDigit :true
includeLowerCase :true
includeUpperCase :true
includeSpecialChar :true
excludeWhitespace :true

isValidLength :false
includeDigit :false
includeLowerCase :false
includeUpperCase :false
includeSpecialChar :false
excludeWhitespace :false

Design Pattern

2. Design Pattern

The object pool pattern is a software creational design pattern that uses a set of initialized objects kept ready to use – a "pool" – rather than allocating and destroying them on demand.

abstract class ObjectPool<T> {
    protected val objects = hashMapOf<String, T>()
    val poolSize: Int get() = objects.size

    abstract fun getObject(key: String? = null): T
    abstract fun putObject(key: String, `object`: T)

object DefaultPool : ObjectPool<Any>() {

    override fun getObject(key: String?): Any {
        require(poolSize > 0) { "Pool is empty" }
        return key.ifNotNull { objects[key] }.orDefault(objects.values.last())

    override fun putObject(key: String, `object`: Any) {
        objects[key] = `object`

fun main() {
    println(DefaultPool.poolSize)           // output : 0

    DefaultPool.putObject("one", 1)  
    println(DefaultPool.poolSize)           // output : 1
    println(DefaultPool.getObject())        // output : 1

    DefaultPool.putObject("two", 2)
    println(DefaultPool.poolSize)           // output : 2
    println(DefaultPool.getObject("two"))   // output : 2

Extension Function

Extension functions are one of the attractive features of Kotlin and other languages such as Swift, Dart, C# and so on. This feature works by adding a function outside of its class. The Kpy library will provide you with a large number of these functions.

val myList = listOf(1..10)
print(myList, myList.lastIndex, separator = ", ", end = "\n") // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], 9

val choice = Random.choice(myList)
println(choice) // 4

val choices = Random.choices(list = listOf(1..5), weights = listOf(1, 1, 10, 1, 1), length = 7)
println(choices) // [3, 5, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3]

println("#FFFFFF".hexToRGB) // (255, 255, 255)

println(16.99.formatPrice()) // $16.99

val stringDate = Date().toString(format = "HH:MM:ss")
println(stringDate) // 18:03:19

print(16.00.removeDecimalPart, 16.25.removeDecimalPart) // 16 16.25

val formattedNumber = 123456789.123.separate(pattern = "#,###.##")
println(formattedNumber) // 123,456,789.12

val nullableText: String? = null
val text = nullableText.ifNotNull { "not null" }.orDefault("null")
println(text) // null

println(26.24985.round(digits = 3)) // 26.25

println("^" * 5) // ^^^^^

println("Hello2021".isAlphanumeric) // true

println("Hello".isDigit) // false

val twoDayAfter = (now() + + 5.hour + 54.minute).asDate.toString("dd/MM/yyyy-HH:mm:ss")
println(twoDayAfter) // 29/08/2021-00:38:32

val timeAgo = (now() - 8.hour).timeAgo()
println(timeAgo) // 8 hours ago

More on Extension Function


To log in to the console, we can use the Log class and the result can be seen in the image

Log.i("This is a test")
Log.d("This is a test")
Log.w("This is a test")
Log.e(Exception("This is a test"))

Log.i("This is a test", tag = "someTag")
Log.d("This is a test", tag = "someTag")
Log.w("This is a test", tag = "someTag")
Log.e(Exception("This is a test"), tag = "someTag")

More on Logging


In Persian language, when using the Itext7 library to support right alignment, you must have a license.

But there is a way around it and that is to use Unicoed.

println(UnicodeConverter.toPersianUnicode("سال 1400 مبارک")) // ﮎﺭﺎﺒﻣ ۱۴۰۰ ﻝﺎﺳ


More on Itext7

Or... back to Introduction

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