Contributing - ghasemdev/kpy-core GitHub Wiki

How to contribute to Exposed project

What to contribute

When you had faced some problems or absent functionality in Kpy, feel free to search through opened issues to find a similar one. If there is no such an issue, you could try to resolve it by yourself and provide us with Pull Request (see below).

If you want to help the project and don't know how, you could start with looking for issues tagged with good-first-issue tag. Select one, assign it on you and start to work on Pull Request.

How to contribute

  1. Fork Kpy repository. (Read more about forks in github documentation).
  2. Make appropriate changes in your repository copy.
  3. Run embedded tests by executing ./gradlew test inside the root folder of your local copy.
  4. Create a Pull Request and check the PR id.
  5. Submit Pull Request on review.

How to improve wiki pages

Due to github wiki, the preferred way to contribute to wiki is to:

  1. Clone repository.
  2. Make changes and submit Pull Request.
  3. Changes will appear after PR review.