Starting Development of Scissorhands.NET on Visual Studio Code on Mac OS X - getscissorhands/Scissorhands.NET GitHub Wiki

Currently, Visual Studio Code is the best option to develop ASP.NET 5 Applications on Mac OS X.

Install Scissorhands.NET

Check out this page

Choose .NET version you like to use

dnvm list

This will show you all .NET versions on your machine like below:

Active Version              Runtime Architecture OperatingSystem Alias
------ -------              ------- ------------ --------------- -----
  *    1.0.0-rc1-update1    coreclr x64          darwin          default
       1.0.0-rc1-update1    mono                 linux/osx

And choose a specific .NET version as follows:

$ dnvm use 1.0.0-rc1-update1 -r mono    # to use Mono
$ dnvm use 1.0.0-rc1-update1 -r coreclr # to use .NET Core

We want Scissorhands.NET to work on .NET Core(CoreCLR) and Mono. Please test your code enough on the both before you send a PR.

Open Project on Visual Studio Code

  1. Open the project directory on Visual Studio.
  2. Open any .cs file in the project (e.g. src/Scissorhands.NET/Startup.cs)
  3. Click a text "Scissorhands.sln" at the bottom right corner of the VS Code window. Scissorhands.sln
  4. The list of sub-project's project.json files will be shown. Project.json list
  5. Choose project.json /src/Scissorhands.NET
  6. Now Scissorhands.NET project is the default project.
  7. Hit Cmd + shift + p, type dnx, and select dnx: Run Command dnx_web

It automatically opens a terminal and runs Scissorhands.NET. Open a browser and go to localhost:5000