Tutorial Reporting_Bugs - getrailo/railo GitHub Wiki

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How to report a bug in Railo

First, thank you for evaluating Railo and taking the time to report issues. The Railo Team cannot stress how important it is to have an active open source community and reporting issues is one of the many ways in which you can participate and be involved. Since Railo project is open source and part of the JBoss community, we use their JIRA Issue Tracker which can be found here: https://jira.jboss.org/browse/RAILO

Give tickets a self-explanatory title and context

A detailed ticket is really helpful when a long list of tickets is analyzed. If the title is phrased properly it is easier for the developer to understand what the issue is about, and probably link it to some changes that is in progress or that has been done recently. Try to give a context to the ticket. A ticket title like createTimeSpan fails doesn't give us much context to work with, but createTimeSpan fails when invoked into a script based cfc does.

Provide environment information

When a bug is posted the first thing we do is to try to reproduce it. It is very important to have information about the environment where the issue was detected.

  • OS
  • Railo Deployment ( Ex : tomcat as war, Resin default installer )
  • Browser or other details if relevant.
Providing this information really speeds up the ticket solving process.

Provide information on how the issue can be reproduced

Try to provide steps or sample code that can reproduce the error. If necessary upload the files to the ticket. Please try to abstract out unnecessary code, or create sample code that can be used to help reproduce the issue. Sample code provided should run out of the box with no need of any setup. If there's a Railo setting involved or database tables necessary to create it, please attach a create table script or inform us what additional setting needs to be turned on / off.

Provide workaround information ( if any )

If you found a temporary workaround please provide the information. This can really help any other user that may have a similar issue. A workaround can also be analyzed as starting point for a possible solution.

How to submit a patch

You can supply a patch to be analyzed to the Railo development team. How can you do that?

  • Fork the railo project at http://github.com/getrailo/railo. Apply your patch and send a pull request. ( preferred )
  • Add the patch directly to the JIRA with as much details as possible so we can understand the issue.

Railo Website(s) Issues

If an error or issue pertains to the websites getrailo.org or getrailo.com, please contact us directly.

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