Railo_Resource_Bundle - getrailo/railo GitHub Wiki

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File System Types

Local Files

Provides access to the files on the local physical file system. file:// absolute-path

Where absolute-path is a valid absolute file name for the local filesystem. Examples:

  1. /home/someuser/somedir
  2. c:\program files\some dir
  3. c:/program files/some dir
  4. file://home/someuser/somedir
  5. file://C:/Documents and Settings
  6. file:////somehost/someshare/afile.txt

Zip, Tar and TGZ

Provides access to the contents of Zip, Tar and TGZ files. zip:// arch-file-uri [!] tar:// arch-file-uri [!] tgz:// arch-file-uri [!]

Where arch-file-uri refers to a file of any supported type, including other zip files. Examples:

  1. zip://c:/somedir/somefile.zip!/zipdir/file.txt
  2. tgz://file://Users/susi/somefile.tar.gz!/zipdir/file.txt
  3. tar:///Users/susi/somefile.tar!/zipdir/file.txt


Provides readonly access to files on an HTTP server. http://[username] hostname [:][absolute-path]


  1. http://somehost:8080/downloads/pic.gif
  2. http://myUserName:myPassword@myHost/index.html


Provides access to the files on an FTP server. ftp://[username] hostname [:][absolute-path]


  1. ftp://myUsername:myPassword@somehost/pub/downloads/somefile.zip


A filesystem which stores all the data in memory. ram://[path]


  1. ram:///any/path/to/file.txt


Provides access to the files on an S3 (Simple Storage Service) Internet Storage s3://accessKey:secretAccessKey@/Bucketname[absolute-path]


  1. s3://ddsfdsfer34ewe:ewdkwhekwrh3432@/somebucket/dir/somefile.txt
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