Managing railo server apps - getrailo/railo GitHub Wiki

This page eventually to include the following topics:

  • Railo Server administrator
  • Customising the Railo Server startup parameters
  • Diagnostics & system management tips
  • Admin plugins
  • Railo Server folders & files
  • Administrating Railo Server with CFADMIN
  • Upgrading your Railo Server version
  • Patching Railo Server behind a proxy

##FAQs ###Where are undelivered emails kept? In the following directory of your web application:


you will find a "mail.log" file in which you will see a list of mails sent... but, as a security precaution, it doesn't show the email addresses:

"INFO","web-0","09/21/2013","18:46:21","mail","send mail"

If more detailed information is required, then you will need to add your own logging function and make log entries when you send email. There is a plan to add a listener function to the Server.cfc that will get invoked before and after a mail was sent.

In terms of unsent messages, they would appear in the Railo Administrator (Web) for the application in the "Tasks" section where you can see the reason for the failure. If they are not there then they have been sent to the mail server and you will need to look in the mail servers logs to see why it could not deliver it.