Installation: JAR File Deployment - getrailo/railo GitHub Wiki

JAR file deployment

These directions currently apply specifically to Tomcat.

${TOMCAT_HOME} refers to the top-level directory where you installed Tomcat.

A JAR file deployment allows you to configure Railo to run for all Hosts running under Tomcat without additional per-host configuration. It also reduces the size of the overall deployment by sharing jars across all hosts, instead of each host having a complete set of Railo jars.

  • Unpack the Railo "jar files" archive (.zip or .tar.gz) into a directory called ${TOMCAT_HOME}/railo
  • Edit the ${TOMCAT_HOME}/conf/ file. Add ",${catalina.home}/railo/*.jar" to the end of the "common.loader" line (Don't miss the comma!)
  • Edit the ${TOMCAT_HOME}/conf/web.xml file. Find the line with the comment, "Built In Servlet Mappings". Just _before_ that line, paste the following code:
	<!--  Begin Railo Mappings  -->
	   <description>CFML runtime Engine</description>
	<description>Configuration directory</description>
	<!-- init-param>
	<description>directory where railo root directory is stored</description>
	   <description>AMF Servlet for flash remoting</description>
	   <description>File Servlet for simple files</description>
	<!--  End Railo Mappings  -->
  • Restart Tomcat
For more information, see
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