Installation Unofficial_Railo_Express_on_Tomcat - getrailo/railo GitHub Wiki

Railo Express (Apache Tomcat) (Unofficial)

Railo is a high speed open source CFML engine with a very intuitive admin interface to manage all your settings. You can test it in minutes on your Mac OS X desktop with the following install.

Railo Express (Tomcat) on Mac OS X is currently an unofficial bundle that's provided by Kai Koenig (, and updated whenever deemed necessary. Feel free to use and provide feedback.

Note: You need to have a working installation of Java 6 or Java 7 on your machine. On OS X that would usually be the case.

Note: Those bundles will most likely also work on Linux and Windows - the only reason the pages heavily refers to OS X is because this is the only platform I'm fully testing them on at this stage. Reports from both Linux and Windows users are that the bundles work very well on both platforms, too.

Versions available:

Tomcat 7.0.39 and Railo!m0IUhYDR!abAZeAh-dukXRw8EpMHV8lWAhGpyXuiyHhpvrNouaKw

Tomcat 7.0.40 and Railo!6sx3GIrT!LJRexzWxkbQItSg_PdaRaEgsSDhzNzglO6y-Sjz__tk

Tomcat 7.0.40 and Railo!25ZiFZaL!Q-RzyFRjWz43Xdy7senMmSHHi1wNFgj2cywGyv9X1Tk

Tomcat 7.0.40 and Railo!f94nnI7a!MuHpoltxQANMISy6l7b8Gx_iZJw8hTf-e5wZ4s4QLrg

Tomcat 7.0.41 and Railo --- THIS IS Railo 4.1 Release Candidate!rhZwWRSA!SHU8vizvdsZwBL25HoNKGVi_DPY5wHLVRuGFinZV6xk

1. Go to the download URL of your choice from the above list and download the respective file. You will end up with something along the lines of railo_Express_{railo_version}_Apache_Tomcat_{tomcat_version}.zip

2. Move the downloaded Railo Express zip file to a folder of your choice (I usually use /Applications) and unzip it.

3. You should now have a folder titled 'railo_Express_{railo_version}_Apache_Tomcat_{tomcat_version}'

4. Rename the 'railo_Express_{railo_version}_Apache_Tomcat_{tomcat_version}' folder to 'railo' and delete the zip file.

5. You have to use the Terminal application to start and stop Railo Express Tomcat on Mac OSX. In your Applications folder, scroll down to the Utilities folder and open the application

6. Now to get to the right directory to start Railo Express, you will use the change directory command by typing it as 'cd'.

From here I assume you've installed the Railo Express package into /Applications/railo.

Let's first get into the Railo directory by typing 'cd /Applications/railo' in the Terminal window.

Then press the enter/return button on your keyboard. If you see the word 'railo' in the new line in the Terminal window, you are now in the right directory. You can also always check where you are using the 'pwd' command.

And finally to start Railo Express on Tomcat, type 'bin/ start' in the Terminal window and press enter to get a result similar to below, showing Railo Express has been started.

 Using CATALINA_BASE:   /Applications/railo
 Using CATALINA_HOME:   /Applications/railo
 Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /Applications/railo/temp
 Using JRE_HOME:        /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home
 Using CLASSPATH:       /Applications/railo/bin/bootstrap.jar:/Applications/railo/bin/tomcat-juli.jar

7. Now open your web browser and enter the following address:


This should render the "Welcome to Railo 4.0" page (with working styles and images on the page).

The Railo admin (web context) login can be found at:


Congratulations, you're ready to enjoy Railo:)

8. Bookmark this page for future use and enter a password to enter and manage your Railo admin.

You can now manage your datasources, mail server settings, cfx tags, etc.

9. The root of your website is in the 'webapps/ROOT' directory within the 'railo' directory in your Applications folder.

10. To stop and shutdown the Railo Express server, simply return to your Terminal application window, and type 'bin/ stop'

If it hangs for any reason, you can just close the Terminal window with your mouse.

Additional Resources:

You can also join the Railo Group to interact with the community at:

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