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Upgrading The JRE

The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is the environment that your CFML code runs inside of. The Railo installer ships with a default JRE, but over time this JRE will need to be updated in order to remain stable, secure, and bug free. The following is meant to guide users through the relatively simple process of upgrading the JRE that is running on your Windows Server. Keep in mind that these instructions were written using Windows 2008 R2 64-bit, and may need to be adapted slightly to your own system. For example, if you're running a 32-bit version of Windows, you will need to download the 32-bit JRE.

STEP 1 - Shut Down Railo/Tomcat

It could be problematic to copy over libraries while the server that utilizes them is still running, so we're just going to stop the Railo/Tomcat server before we proceed with the Tomcat Upgrade:

Stop Railo/Tomcat Service

STEP 2 - Download the JRE

Go to the JRE download page, which at the time of this writing is here: JRE Download Page

JRE Download Page

Select the Bit Type that's appropriate to your server:

Select OS Type

The download link is sort of buried... but it looks like this:

JRE Download Link

STEP 3 - Install the JRE

Installing the new JRE requires special attention because in addition to installing a new JRE for Railo to use, the only method to obtain the JRE will also install a new JRE for your system to use. In a way, this is good because in addition to keeping your Railo installation up to date, you will also keep your system up to date.

Go ahead and launch the JRE installer that you just downloaded. If you already have a JRE installed on your system, you may get the following warning message - go ahead and click "Yes" to reinstall it:

Re-Install JRE

When you get to the installer part, be sure to click on the checkbox that allows you to customize where you put it. This will make finding the JRE you installed a much easier process:

Custom Directory

Click on the "Change" button to choose where you put your JRE. I put mine in c:\jre\ because it's super-easy to remember:

Custom Directory 2

STEP 4 - Copy JRE to JDK Directory

Now we need to remove the current JRE from Railo. It should be safe to simply delete what's currently there, and copy over our new JRE files. Go to the C:\railo\jdk\ directory, and delete everything that's INSIDE that directory. You do NOT want to delete the JDK directory itself, but all the files and directories that are inside it.

Clear our JDK Dir

When the c:\railo\jdk\ directory is empty, copy the contents of c:\jre\ to the c:\railo\jdk directory, so that the contents match:

Copy JRE Over

STEP 5 - Start Railo and Test

Now go ahead and start the Railo service back up the same way you stopped it earlier - via the services control. Next, go to the Tomcat Administrator - usually at http://localhost:8888/manager/html/. Log in to the Tomcat administrator using the username and password you created when you installed Railo. If you do not remember your Tomcat administrator username and password, you can find in in the following file: C:\railo\tomcat\conf\tomcat-users.xml. Once you're logged in to the Tomcat Administrator, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and Tomcat will report on what JRE number it's running under. If it's the version you just installed, then you're all set!

Check JRE

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