How to get help - getrailo/railo GitHub Wiki

There are a variety of ways to get help - including free community-driven options and commercial options provided by The Railo Company

Community support options

Railo mailing list

Our Railo mailing list has members from around the globe - including members of our development team - and will be happy to help you with any aspect of using Railo Server, whether that's installation, configuration, architecting or coding. Head over and say hello!


The Railo Server documentation is a project not only of The Railo Company, but also of the Railo Server community. Please feel free to contribute to the wiki with any information you think will be useful - even if it's just a few lines. Every Railo Server user has something useful to add!

Commercial support options

Support, training & consulting

There's a great community behind Railo Server, but if your project needs more, Railo is here to help.

We offer a range of training, support packages & consultancy services to get your project on track and keep it there. Whether you need up-front consultancy about the best way to design your project, or ongoing support for your developers, we can help.

Check out our support, training and consulting pages for details.