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Running and Debugging the Railo CFML Engine

  • Import the Railo projects into Eclipse. Theoretically there are no build errors. You may need to set the JVM to a valid 1.5 install (apple users, you might have a hard time doing this, as newer installs have a symlink for 1.5 that really points at 1.6, and any java updates from apple will force you to re-do what you did). To set the JVM go to "Project > Properties > Java Build Path" and click the "Libraries" tab. "Edit" the broken 1.5 JVM import, select "Alternate JRE", and either select a 1.5 install, or add a new "Standard VM" called "1.5.0" (pointing at the 1.5 java home).
  • You should now be able to context-click on the main.RunAsJavaApplication class in the Railo-Core-Runner prject, and select either "Run As Java Application" or "Debug As Java Application", depending on which you want to do.
  • The Railo-Core-Runner/web folder is the web root for the running instance
  • Stop running/debugging by clicking the red square in the "Console" view.

Most likely you'll want to "Debug As Java Application", so you can set breakpoints in the Railo source code and whatnot.

Important Note for OS X users: Installing Java Updates through Software Update will put your system back to square one, removing the JDK5 you installed earlier. But you should update, since there are vulnerabilities that have been fixed in the new version. Workaround: Put it in a different place and link to it, then just restore the links after updating.

Advanced usage

It's possible to specify the ports, and optionally an existing Railo instance to use while debugging.

  • Context-click on the "" file, and select "Run As > Run configurations". Add a new Java Application Configuration (unless you already see one for the RunAsJavaApplication class), and click on the "Arguments" tab. The argument order is as follows:

port instanceDir webContextDir adminContextDir

  • The webContextDir and adminContextDir will default to the Railo defaults of /WEB-INF/railo and /WEB-INF/lib/railo-server respectively.


8088 /path/to/folder/with/WEB-INF/in/it

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