JaxRS Support - geronimo-iia/restexpress GitHub Wiki
RestExpress support a subset of standardized JaxRs-API.
Path annotation is supported on classe and method. For now, path parameter should not contains regular expression (This will come later). You can have path like this : '/myapi/{id}/resource.{format}'
Route are created according those annotations.
@PathParam, @QueryParam, @DefaultValue Support
Note that both HTTP headers and query-string parameters are set as headers on the Request, with query-string parameters overriding headers if there is a name clash. Because HTTP headers are handled by Netty, which processes them with QueryStringDecoder, HTTP headers are URL decoded. Also query-string parameters that get processed by RestExpress are URL decoded before being set as headers on the request.
ParamConverter Support
Classe 'RestExpressParamConverterProvider' implement a ParamConverterProvider which support:
- primitive type (boolean, byte, char, float, double, short, int, long)
- Date (util)
- BigDecimal
- all classes with a method 'valueOf' with a String arguments
- all classes with a constructor with a String arguments
- a delegation with other ParamConverterProvider