refactor SerializationProcessor in order to deal only with media type
user format enumeration to resolve to a mime type
refactor Request Handler
add priority on Plugin, in order to manage their order on initialization
Refactor Route and base URL usage
add TextProcessor for all text/* media
add Slf4fErrorLogMessageObserver to log error using SLF4j
add Slf4jAccessLogMessageObserver to build an access log using SLF4j
change default wrapper to ErrorResult
add Joda and Guava module for Jackson
channel group is not static. We cab have multiple RestExpressService Instance on a single JVM, and shutdown one of them.
Release 0.10.3 - 27 May 2014
Change URL Pattern matcher to allow URLs with '?' at the end, but no query-string parameters following it.
Changed compiler output version to 1.7 (from 1.6).
Added SSL support (from Clark Hobbie).
Fixed error message in QueryRange.setLimit(int) from 'limit must be >= 0' to 'limit must be > 0' (from GCL).
Changed Request.getQueryStringMap() to never return null (from Kevin Williams).
Expose the creation of the DefaultRequestHandler (via RestExpress.buildRequestHandler()) to rest engines not using "main()" or "bind()" (from Ryan Dietrich).
Fixed issue with QueryOrders.enforceAllowedProperties() threw erroneous exceptions.
Added JacksonEncodingStringSerializer (including it in JacksonJsonProcessor) to outbound HTML Entity encode for possible XSS attacks.
Updated to Jackson-Databind 2.3.3 (from 2.1.4).
refactor Flag as enum
Release 0.10.2 - 3 Apr 2014
Refactored ExceptionMapping into an interface, extracting previous implementation into DefaultExceptionMapper.
Added new convenience methods on Request: getBodyAsStream(), getBodyAsBytes(), getBodyAsByteBuffer().
Added new method Request.getNamedPath() that returns only the route path pattern instead of the
entire URL, which Request.getNamedUrl() does.
Request.getProtocol() now returns the protocol from the underlying HttpRequest instance.
Fixed issue in QueryOrders where only a single valid order parameters is supported. Caused IndexOutOfBoundsException.
Fixed an issue in where finally processors were assigned as post processors. This could affect some finally processor implementations, such as timers, etc. since they are now run later in the process.
Fixed an issue with finally processors, they are now called before the message is returned to the client (after serialization), or in the finally block (if an error occurs, response is in indeterminite state).
Introduced another factory method in ErrorResult, allowing elimination of exceptionType in output.
Introduced RequestContext, a Map of name/value pairs much like the Log4j mapped diagnostic contexts (MDC), as an instrument for passing augmentation data from different sources to lower levels in the framework.
Can now add supported MediaRange(s) dynamically at startup, such as application/hal+json.
** Breaking Change ** Repackaged org.serialization.xml to org.restexpress.serialization.xml
Added ContentType.HAL_JSON and ContentType.HAL_XML plus new RestExpressServerTest tests.
Introduced RoutePlugin to simplify plugins that create internal routes.
Release 0.10.1 - 24 Jan 2014
Fixed NPE issue when RestExpress.setSerializationProvider() is not called.
Fixed misspelling in for SUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPES.
Enhanced QueryFilters and QueryOrders to support enforcement of appropriate filter/order
properties—enabling the verification of appropriate orders and filters. Throws
BadRequestException on failure.
Removed core StringUtils in favor of common StringUtils.
Fixed issue where default serialization processor was not used if setSerializationProcessor() was not called.
Changed RestExpress server startup message from “Starting Server on port ” to “ server listening on port ”
Release 0.10.0 - 3 Jan 2014
** Breaking Change ** Repackaged to 'org.restexpress...' from 'com.strategicgains.restexpress...'
** Breaking Change ** Re-added GSON capability from version 0.8.2, making things a little
more pluggable with RestExpress.setSerializationProvider(SerializationProvider).
DefaultSerializationProvider is the default. GsonSerializationProvider is also available,
but requires adding GSON to your pom file. Must refactor your own custom ResponseProcessor
class into a SerializationProvider implementor.
** Breaking Change ** Removed RestExpress.putResponseProcessor(), .supportJson(), .supportXml(),
.supportTxt(), .noJson(), .noXml(), noTxt() as this is all implemented in the SerializationProvider.
Implemented content-type negotiation using Content-Type header for serialization (e.g.
Request.getBodyAs(type)) and Accept header for deserialization. Implementation still
favors .{format}, but uses content-type negotiation if format not supplied.
Added RestExpress.enforceHttpSpec() and .setEnforceHttpSpec(boolean) to enable setting
the HTTP specification enforcement. Previously, enforcement was always turned on. Now
default is OFF. With it off, RestExpress allows you to create non-standard (per the HTTP
specification) responses.
Removed com.strategicgains.restexpress.common.util.Callback interface since it wasn't being used.
Upgraded Netty to 3.9.0 Final
Release - 16 Oct 2013
Added ErrorResultWrapper and ErrorResult to facilitate only wrapping error responses vs.
not wrapping or JSEND-style always-wrapped responses.
Release 0.9.4 - 17 Jul 2013
Fixed issue for plugins that are dependent on RouteMetadata. Fixed issue with routes
that depend on GET, PUT, POST, DELETE as the default--wasn't generating metadata
correctly for that corner case.
Fixed issue with RouteBuilder metadata generation where it wouldn't include the defaults if none set on route.
Updated javadoc for getFullPattern() and getPattern().
Changed Route.getBaseUrl() to perform null check to avoid getting 'null' string in value.
Combined RestExpress-Common as a sub-module and moved core RestExpress functionality
to the 'core' sub-module.
Release 0.9.3 - 14 Jun 2013
Fixed issue with setter getting called in deserialization instead of Jackson deserializer.
Removed LogLevel enumeration due to lack of use.
Fixed issue #61 - Large Chunked Request Causes Errors. Added HttpChunkAggregator to the
Added RestExpress.setMaxContentSize(int) to allow limiting of total content length of requests
even if chunked. Default max content size is 25K.
Added RestExpress.iterateRouteBuilders(Callback callback) to facilitate
plugins, etc. augmenting or extracting information from the declared routes.
Release 0.9.2 - 27 Mar 2013
DEPRECATED: Request.getUrlDecodedHeader() and Request.getRawHeader() in favor of getHeader(). Since
all HTTP headers and query-string parameters are URL decoded before being put on the Request
object, these methods are redundant and cause problems. Their functionality was also changed
to simply call getHeader()--so no URL decoding is done in getUrlDecodedHeader().
Ensured that parameters extracted from the URL are decoded before setting them as headers
on the Request. Now all headers are URL decoded before any call to Request.getHeader(String).
Added Request.getRemoteAddress(), which returns the remote address of the request originator.
Merged pull request (Issue #58) from amitkarmakar13: add List<String> getHeaders(String)
Removed '?' and '#' as valid path segment characters in UrlPattern to conform better with
IETF RFC 3986, section 3.3-path. Made '{format}' a first-class element for matching URL route
patterns (by using '{format}' instead of a regex to match).
BREAKING CHANGE: Removed Chunking and compression settings. RestExpress does not support
chunking/streaming uploads. So the setting were superfluous. The facility is still there
to support streaming downloads, however, and these will be chunked as necessary. As compression
is based on the Accept header, support is always provided--settings are superfluous.
NOTE: streaming downloads are not fully implemented yet.
BREAKING CHANGE: Removed LoggingHandler from the Netty pipeline and related setter methods.
Added HttpBasicAuthenticationPreprocessor to facilitate HTTP Basic Authentication. Added
Flags.Auth.PUBLIC_ROUTE, NO_AUTHENTICATION, and NO_AUTHORIZATION to support configuration
of HttpBasicAuthenticationPreprocessor (and other authentication/authorization
related routes).
Release 0.8.2 - 19 Feb 2013
Fixed issue in Request.parseQueryString() to URL decode query-string parameters before putting
them in the Request header.
Release 0.8.1 - 16 Jan 2013
Removed Ant-build artifacts.
Extracted Query-related classes into RestExpress-Common.
Fixed maven compile plugin to generate Java target and source for 1.6
Updated Netty dependency to 3.6.2.Final
Removed dependency on HyperExpress.
Release 0.8.0 - 09 Jan 2013
Pushed to Maven Central repository.
Introduced maven build.
Merged pull request #49 - Added method to get all headers from a HttpRequest.
Introduced route 'aliases' where there are multiple URLs for a given service.
Introduced concept of "finally" processors, which are executed in the finally block of
DefaultRequestHandler and all of them are executed even if an exception is thrown within one
of them. This enable the CorsHeaderPlugin to set the appropriate header even on not found
errors, etc.
Changed to support multiple response types with wrapping or not, etc. Now can support wrapped
JSON (.wjson) and XML (.wxml) as well as un-wrapped JSON (.json) and XML (.xml) depending on the
format specifier.
Now throws BadRequestException (400) if the specified format (e.f. .json) isn't supported by the
service suite.
Now throws MethodNotAllowedException (405) if the requested URL matches a route but not for the
requested HTTP method. Sets the HTTP Allow header to a comma-delimited list of accepted methods.
Removed StringUtils.parseQueryString() as it was previously deprecated--use QueryStringParser.
Introduced String.join() methods (2).
Removed JSONP handling, favoring use of CORS instead, introducing CorsHeaderPlugin and corresponding post-processor.
Wraps ETAG header in quotes.
Renamed QueryRange.stop to QueryRange.limit.
Removed need for RouteDefinition class, moving that functionality into the RestExpress builder.
Changed example apps to reflect above elimination of RouteDefinition class.
Release 0.7.4 - 30 Nov 2012 (branch 'v0.7.4')
Patch release to allow period ('.') as a valid character within URL parameters. Note that this
now allows a period to be the last character on the URL whether there is a format-specifier
parameter declared for that route, or not. Also, if the route supports the format specifier and
there is a period in the last parameter of the URL, anything after the last period will be used
as the format for the request--which may NOT be what you want.
-- /foo/todd.fredrich --> /foo/{p1}.{format} will use 'fredrich' as the format
-- /foo/todd.fredrich.json --> /foo/{p1}.{format} will use 'json' as the format
-- /foo/todd. --> /foo/{p1}.{format} will contain 'todd.' for the value of p1
-- /foo/todd. --> /foo/{p1} will contain 'todd.' for the value of p1
Release 0.7.3 - 12 July 2012 (branch 'v0.7.3')
Patch release to fix an issue with i18n. Fixed issue with
DefaultJsonProcessor.deserialize(ChannelBuffer, Class) where underlying InputStreamReader was
not UTF-8.
Release 0.7.2 - 14 May 2012
Introduced ExecutionHandler with configuration via RestExpress.setExecutorThreadCount(int)
to off-load long-running requests from the NIO workers into a separate thread pool.
Introduced CacheControlPlugin which leverages CacheHeaderPostprocessor, DateHeaderPostprocessor
and EtagHeaderPostprocessor to respond to GET requests.
Introduced EtagHeaderPostprocessor which adds ETag header in response to GET requests.
Introduced DateHeaderPostprocessor which adds a Date header to responses to GET requests.
Introduced CacheHeaderPostprocessor which support Cache-Control and other caching-related
response header best-practices by setting Parameters.Cache.MAX_AGE or Flags.Cache.DONT_CACHE on
a route.
Changed to use QueryStringParser over StringUtils for query-string and QueryStringDecoder for
body parsing. This mitigates HashDoS attacks, since the query-string is parsed before a request
is accepted.
Deprecated StringUtils in favor of using Netty's QueryStringDecoder or
RestExpress's QueryStringParser.
Refactored so SerializationProcessor.resolve(Request) is only called once at the end of the
request cycle (performance enhancement).
Release 0.7.1 - 20 Sep 2011
Added rootCause to ResultWrapper data area.
Exposed the XStream object from DefaultXmlProcessor.
Renamed Link to XLink.
Renamed LinkUtils to XLinkUtils, adding asXLinks() method that utilizes XLinkFactory callback
to create the XLink instances.
Changed URL Matching to support additional characters: '[', ']', '&' which more closely follows
W3C the specification.
Added ability to return query string parameters as a Map from the Request.
Introduced Request.getBaseUrl() which returns protocol and host, without URL path information.
Introduced query criteria capability: filter, order, range (for pagination).
Introduced the concept of Plugins.
Refactored the console routes to use the new plugin concept.
Updated Netty jars (to 3.2.5).
Added ability to set the number of worker threads via call to RestExpress.setWorkerThreadCount()
before calling bind().
Release 0.7.0
Added gzip request/response handling. On by default. Disable it via call to
RestExpress.noCompression() and supportCompression().
Added chunked message handling. On by default. Chunking settings are managed via
RestExpress.noChunkingSupport(), supportChunking(), and setMaxChunkSize(int).
Release - 31 Mar 2011
Bug fix to patch erroneously writing to already closed channel in
Release 0.6.1 - 30 Mar 2011
Stability release.
Fixed issue when unable to URL Decode query string parameters or URL.
Introduced SerializationResolver that defines a getDefault() method. Implemented
SerializationResolver in DefaultSerializationResolver.
Changed UrlPattern to match format based on non-whitespace vs. word characters.
Refactored Request.getHeader() into getRawHeader(String) and getUrlDecodedHeader(String), along
with corresponding getRawHeader(String,String) and getUrlDecodedHeader(String,String).
Renamed realMethod property to effectiveHttpMethod, along with appropriate accessor/mutator.
Removed Request from Response constructor signature.
Added FieldNamingPolicy to DefaultJsonProcessor (using LOWER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES).
getUrlDecodedHeader(String) throws BadRequestException if URL decoding fails.
Release - 21 Mar 2011
Fixed issue with 'connection reset by peer' causing unresponsive behavior.
Utilized Netty logging behavior to add logging capabilities to RestExpress.
Added enforcement of some HTTP 1.1 specification rules: Content-Type, Content-Length and body
content for 1xx, 204, 304 are not allow. Now throws HttpSpecificationException if spec. is
not honored.
Added ability to add 'flags' and 'parameters' to routes, in that, uri().flag("name") on Route
makes test request.isFlagged("name") return true. Also, uri().parameter("name", "value")
makes request.getParamater("name") return "value". Not returned/marshaled in the response.
Useful for setting internal values/flags for preprocessors, controllers, etc.
Added .useRawResponse() and .useWrappedResponse() to fluent route DSL. Causes that particular
route to wrap the response or not, independent of global response wrap settings.
Parameters parsed from the URL and query string arguments are URL decoded before being placed
as Request headers.
Issue #7 - Fixed issue with invalid URL requested where serialization always occurred to the
default (JSON). Now serializes to the requested format, if applicable.
Issue #11 - Feature enhancement for Kickstart. Now utilizes Rails-inspired configuration
environements (e.g. dev, testing, prod, etc.).
Issue #12 - Parse URL parameter names out of the URL pattern and include them in the route
metadata output.
Release 0.6.0
Routes now defined in descendant of RouteDeclaration.
Refactored everything into RestExpress object, using builder pattern for configuration.
Implemented RestExpress DSL to declare REST server in main().
Added supported formats and default format to RouteBuilder.
Added JSEND-style response wrapping (now default). Call RestExpress.useWrappedResponses() to use.
Add ability to support raw response return. Call RestExpress.useRawResponses() to use.
Implemented /console/routes.{format} route which return metadata about the routes in this
service suite. To use, call RestExpress.supportConsoleRoutes().
Exceptions occurring now return in the requested format with the message wrapped and using the
appropriate mime type (e.g. application/json or application/xml).
Kickstart application has complete build with 'dist' target that builds a runnable jar file and
'run' target that will run the services from the command line.
Kickstart application now handles JVM shutdown correctly using JVM shutdown hooks. The method
RestExpress.awaitShutdown() uses the DefaultShutdownHook class. RestExpress.shutdown() allows
programs to use their own shutdown hooks, calling RestExpress.shutdown() upon shudown to release
all resource.
Release - 11 Mar 2011
Patch release to fix issue with HTTP response status of 204 (No Content) and 304 (Not Modified)
where they would return a body of an empty string and content length of 2 ('\r\n'). No longer
serializes for 204 or 304. Also no longer serializes for null body response unless a JSONP header
is passed in on the query string.
Release 0.5.6 - 18 Jan 2011
Upgraded to Netty 3.2.3 final.
Added getProtocol(), getHost(), getPath() to Request
Functionality of getUrl() is now getPath() and getUrl() now returns the entire URL string,
including protocol, host and port, and path.
Release 0.5.5
Added regex URL matching with RouteMapping.regex(String) method.
Refactored Route into an abstract class, moving previous functionality into ParameterizedRoute.
Added KickStart release artifact to get projects going quickly--simply unzip the kickstart file.
Added SimpleMessageObserver which performs simple timings and outputs to System.out.
Release 0.5.4
Added alias() capability to DefaultTxtProcessor to facilitate custom text serialization.
Updated kickstart application to illustrate latest features.
Minor refactoring of constants and their locations (moved to
Release 0.5.3
Fixed issue with JSON date/timestamp parsing.
Fixed issues with XML date/timestamp parsing.
Upgraded to GSON 1.6 release.
Added correlation ID to Request to facilitate timing, etc. in pipeline.
Added alias(String, Class) to DefaultXmlProcessor.
By default, alias List and Link in DefaultXmlProcessor.
Release 0.5.2
Introduced DateJsonProcessor (sibling to DefaultJsonProcessor) which parses dates vs. time points.
Refactored ExceptionMapping.getExceptionFor() signature from Exception to Throwable.
Introduced MessageObserver, which accepts notifications of onReceived(), onSuccess(), onException(), onComplete() to facilitate logging, auditing, timing, etc.
Changed RouteResolver.resolve() to throw NotFoundException instead of BadRequestException for unresolvable URI.
Release 0.5.1
Enhanced support for mark, unreserved and some reserved characters in URL. Specifically, added
$-+*()~:!' and %. Still doesn't parse URLs with '.' within the string itself--because of the
support for .{format} URL section.
Release 0.5
Renamed repository from RestX to RestExpress.
Repackaged everything from com.strategicgains.restx... to com.strategicgains.restexpress...
Changed DefaultHttpResponseWriter to output resonse headers correctly.
Updated javadoc on RouteBuilder to provide some documentation on route DSL.
Release 0.4
Fixed error in "Connection: keep-alive" processing during normal and error response writing.
Can now create route mappings for OPTIONS and HEAD http methods.
Added decoding to URL when Request is constructed.
Improved pre-processor implementation, including access to resolved route in request.
Better null handling here and there to avoid NullPointerException, including serialization resolver.
Improved UT coverage.
KickStart application builds and is a more accurate template.
Release 0.3
Added support for "method tunneling" in POST via query string parameter (e.g. _method=PUT or _method=DELETE)
Added JSONP support. Use jsonp=<method_name> in query string.
Utilized Builder pattern in DefaultPipelineFactory, which is now PipelineBuilder.
Externalized DefaultRequestHandler in PipelineBuilder and now supports pre/post processors (with associated interfaces).