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RESTExpress is a very efficient, small "micro-framework" to library to create very performant, scalable RESTful services in Java. Written using the fabulous Netty framework from Trustin Lee, RESTExpress uses non-blocking I/O to service requests while leveraging Executors to service back-end (possibly blocking) operations.

An extremely Lightweight, Fast, REST Engine and API for Java.
Supports JSON and XML serialization automagically as well as ISO 8601 date formats.
A thin wrapper on Netty IO HTTP handling, RestExpress lets you create performant, stand-alone REST web services rapidly.
RestExpress supports the best practices proposed in the Best Practice document.

Born to be simple, only three things are required to wire up a service:

  1. The main class which utilizes the RestExpress DSL to create a server instance.
  2. A RouteDeclaration extender (much like routes.rb in a Rails app), which uses a DSL for the declaration of supported URLs and HTTP methods of the service(s) in its defineRoutes() method. RouteDeclaration support Jax-Rs annotation !
  3. Service implementation(s), which is/are a simple POJO--no interface or super class implementation.

RestExpress is based on those framework:

  • Netty
  • Guava
  • Jackson Json and Xml
  • Joda
  • SLF4j
  • Mvel
  • Jaxrs-api

And, with optional Plugins:

  • Xstream
  • Gson

See also few presentation:

Read more about the RestExpress:

For a more interactive Q&A please see the Google code forum for RestExpress.

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This project is a fork of https://github.com/RestExpress/RestExpress. Actually it's just for my personnal testing.

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