Proposal #6: WFS based Reverse Geocoder and Location Panel - geosolutions-it/MapStore GitHub Wiki
New widget and plugin to implement reverse geocoder functionality through WFS queries. New widget and plugin integrating this reverse geocoder and the related WFS based geocoder
Proposed By
Mauro Bartolomeoli (mbarto)
Alejandro Díaz (alediator)
Assigned to Release
MapStore 1.6
Choose one of: Under Discussion, In Progress, Completed, Rejected, Deferred
We would like to have a generic reverse geocoder that uses WFS to search addresses on map. We would also like to integrate this reverse geocoder and the WFS geocoder in a single plugin with both functionalities in an accordion panel.
Here a diagram of the reverse geocoder plugin integrated in an accordion with the geocoder:
and here one with the geocoder in the new accordion:
This section should contain feedback provided by members who may have a problem with the proposal.
Backwards Compatibility
The new code will be compatible with GXP and MapPanel. Should be therefore backward compatible with all versions of MapStore.
Alejandro Díaz: +1
Mauro Bartolomeoli: +1