Google Source Developer - geosolutions-it/MapStore GitHub Wiki

Needed Files

The GoogleSource plugin in included by default:

  • gxp/src/script/plugins/GoogleSource.js

Configuration Example

"localized": false,
"timeout": 7000,
    "title": "Google Layers",
    "roadmapAbstract": "Show street map",
    "satelliteAbstract": "Show satellite imagery",
    "hybridAbstract": "Show imagery with street names",
    "terrainAbstract": "Show street map with terrain",
    "otherParams": "sensor=false"
  • ptype: ptype of the plugin
  • timeout: the time (in milliseconds) to wait before giving up on the Google Maps script loading. This layer source will not be availble if the script does not load within the given timeout. Default is 7000 (seven seconds)
  • title a descriptive title for this layer source (i18n)
  • roadmapAbstract description of the ROADMAP layer (i18n)
  • satelliteAbstract description of the SATELLITE layer (i18n)
  • hybridAbstract description of the HYBRID layer (i18n)
  • terrainAbstract description of the TERRAIN layer (i18n)
  • otherParams Additional parameters to be sent to Google, default is "sensor=false"
  • localized Enables localization of Google Maps messages, through the API "language=" parameter. The locale is taken from GeoExt.Lang.locale. Default is false.
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