Geolocate Plugin - geosolutions-it/MapStore GitHub Wiki

This Plugin exposes the OpenLayers Geolocate Control. It can be used as a single button to retrieve the current position or as a switch to enable continuous tracking.

Needed Files

Include in buildjs these files:

  • gxp/src/script/plugins/Geolocate.js
  • openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Control/Geolocate.js

Configuration Example

        "enableTracking" : false,
        "layerName": "Position",
        "bind": true,
        "zoom": true,
        "displayInLayerSwitcher": false,
        "geolocationStyles": {
                    "graphicName": "circle",
                    "strokeColor": "#aaa",
                    "fillColor": "#11f",
                    "strokeWidth": 2,
                    "fillOpacity": 0.7,
                    "strokeOpacity": 0.6,
                    "pointRadius": 5                          
                    "fillOpacity": 0.3,
                    "fillColor": "#55b",
                    "strokeColor": "#00f",
                    "strokeOpacity": 0.6
        "geolocationOptions": {
                "enableHighAccuracy": true,
                "maximumAge": 0,
                "timeout": 7000
            "index": 22
  • ptype: ptype of the plugin
  • enableTracking: specific if the plugin must track the position or not
  • bind: the map will center on the found position
  • zoom: the map will center and zoom on the found position (overrides 'bind')
  • displayInLayerSwitcher: display the layer in the layer switcher
  • layerName: layer name to display in the layer switcher
  • geolocationStyles : options for the Marker layer style
    • pointStyle: style for an OpenLayers.Geometry.Point
    • auraStyle: style for an OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon
  • geolocationOptions: options to pass to the OpenLayers Geolocate Plugin :
    • enableHighAccuracy : true/false, ask the browser for an high accuracy position
    • maximumAge: accept a cached position whose age is no greater than the specified time in milliseconds
    • timeout: maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that is allowed to pass from the call to getCurrentPosition() or watchPosition() until the corresponding successCallback
  • actionTarget: plugin target (plugin general configuration)