Feature Grid Plugin - geosolutions-it/MapStore GitHub Wiki

Needed Files

In order to use the FeatureGrid plugin in MapStore you need to be sure that the files below are included in the buildjs.cfg file:

  • gxp/src/script/plugins/FeatureManager.js
  • gxp/src/script/plugins/ClickableFeatures.js
  • gxp/src/script/widgets/grid/FeatureGrid.js
  • gxp/src/script/plugins/FeatureGrid.js

in addition to those required for Spatial Selector QueryForm

NOTE: In the default configuration this is already done.

##Plugin Description

Plugin for displaying vector features in a grid with paging. You have also the possibility to export data in CSV format.

##Configuration Example

Below the plugin configuration, the following script import must be uncommented in the composer.html file:

<!-- Externals OpenLayers libraries --> 
<script type="text/javascript" src="script/OpenLayersExt.js"></script>

Then you have to specify a valid plugin configuration, such as:

            "xtype": "panel",
            "title": "FeatureGrid",      
            "border": false,
            "id": "south",
            "region": "south",
            "layout": "fit",
            "height": 330,
            "collapsed": false,
            "collapsible": true,
            "header": true
            "xtype": "panel",
            "title": "Query Panel",         
            "border": false,
            "id": "east",
            "width": 400,
            "height": 500,
            "region": "east",
            "layout": "fit",
            "collapsed": false,
            "collapsible": true,
            "header": true
                    "ptype": "gxp_featuremanager",
                    "id": "featuremanager",
                    "pagingType": 1
		}, {
                    "ptype": "gxp_featuregrid",
                    "featureManager": "featuremanager",
                    "outputConfig": {
                        "id": "featuregrid",
                        "title": "Features"
                    "outputTarget": "south",
                    "exportFormats": ["CSV","shape-zip"]
		}, {
                    "ptype": "gxp_spatialqueryform",
                    "featureManager": "featuremanager",
                    "featureGridContainer": "south",
                    "outputTarget": "east",
                    "showSelectionSummary": true,
                    "actions": null,
                    "id": "bboxquery",
                        "outputSRS": "EPSG:900913"
                              "xtype": "gxp_spatial_bbox_selector"
                              "xtype": "gxp_spatial_buffer_selector"
                              "xtype": "gxp_spatial_circle_selector",
                              "zoomToCurrentExtent": true
                              "xtype": "gxp_spatial_polygon_selector"

Configurations properties

  • "ptype": ptype of the plugin
  • "featureManager": The id of the :class:gxp.plugins.FeatureManager to use with this tool
  • "outputConfig":
    • "id" : id of the plugin
    • "title": title of grid panel
  • "outputTarget": id of the panel where this grid is added
  • "showExportCSV": set to true to enable grid data in CSV format (default to false). Deprecated. Use instead exportFormats = ["CSV"].
  • "exportFormats": Array With the available export formats. For example: ["CSV","shape-zip","excel", "excel2007"].
    If "exportFormats" is omitted, the export button will not be displayed.
  • "exportAction": Export action type. It can be button (append one button for each export format) or window (append only one button Export and show options in a new window). Default is window.
  • "defaultComboFormatValue": Default output format selection for export (for exportAction == window). Default is 'CSV'.
  • "exportFormatsConfig": (optional) Specific configuration by export format. The default one include a valid configuration for shp-zip export (this format requires the geometry property)
  • "showNumberOfRecords": (optional) Default to false. When tha value of this property is true, shows the total number of records availables (this requires that the featureManager.pagingType is setted to 1 that means standard WFS paging).
  • "featureMaxZoomLevel": (optional) When the value of this property is set, this determines the maximum zoom level when we zoom to feature
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