Context Switcher - geosolutions-it/MapStore GitHub Wiki
##General This widged can be used to switch between context (changes the base url and/or one parameter in query sting. Can be used to switch:
- Language
- MapId
- config
- bbox
- other custom parameters
var contextSwitcher = new gxp.form.ContextSwitcher({
data:[["defaultConfiguration","Google/OST","","","public context"],["mycontext","My Context","","mycontext","a private context"] ["id","Custom Viewer", "viewer","config","descript"] ],
currentContext:customConfigName || "defaultConfiguration",
this configuration allows to switch beteeen N configurations changing the config parameter.
the single entry is
["name","Title","base url(e.g. viewer/composer)","parameter","value","description(optional if you want to use a template"]
so the configuration above allow to switch between
- Google/OST --> /
- My Context --> /?config=mycontext
- Custom Viewer --> /viewer?config=config