1.6 Release Notes - geosolutions-it/MapStore GitHub Wiki
Below a list of the main features provided on the 1.6 MapStore's release:
- #337 Introduce Basic MapStore Templating System
- #339 Use Widgets instead plugins for new SpatialSelectorQuery form
- #350 FeatureGrid fixes
- #352 BBox query form or spatial query with manually added WMS servers bug
- #355 Translations for Spatial Selectors and Spatial Selector Query form
- #361 JS Error Importing .map context in Chrome bug
- #364 QueryForm bytype value widgets and optional validation
- #366 Manager translation review
- #367 Imported resources
- #370 Replace advancedScaleOverlay config option scaleOverlayMode
- #373 Save map functionality don't save new layers and sources bug
- #374 Add a default value to the template combo box on map creation
- #378 More fixes/improvements to the MapManager/WebGIS interaction
- #380 New admins can delete themselves from the usermanager
- #397 Groups's rights
- #406 Introduce the opensdi2-manager in binary dist
- Bug fixes in general
See a more complete list of closed issues for this 1.6 release here.
With this release you can also try the new Templating system recently added into MapStore
You have the possibility to easly create and manage templates for your maps (customizing Banner and Footer). Main features about that are:
- CSS management.
- Banner/Footer content management (using a easly WYSIWYG component that allow you to upload also images).
- Possibility to interact with configuration options for the Banner/Footer panels.
- Paginated list of existing templates with description.
- Assign an existing template to a Map.
With this release you can also use the improved Users Management functionalities
You have now the possibility to:
- Create and manage groups.
- Manage permissions for a certain Map.
- Assign to an user meta information (like organization, email and notes)
With this release the MapManager has been improved giving the possibility to:
- Customize from the configuration file the available tools to use (distinguish between Admin, User and Guest).
- Use a plugin like infrastructure in order to manage new tools if needed.