from catalog to readEvents - geoscience-community-codes/GISMO GitHub Wiki
function cobj = catalog(filepath, dataformat, varargin) %CATALOG % This is a "skin" added to provide a bridge between the old catalog class and the new catalog family of classes % which comprises of Catalog_lite and Catalog_full which both inherit Catalog_base % % The idea is to support the old calls to catalog by translating them into calls to readEvents % % TO DO: % Also need to translate attributes and methods
% Parse required, optional and param-value pair arguments, % set default values, and add validation conditions p = inputParser; p.addRequired('filepath', @isstr); p.addRequired('dataformat', @isstr); p.parse(filepath, dataformat, varargin{:}); fields = fieldnames(p.Results); for i=1:length(fields)
- val = p.Results.(field);
- cobj = cobj.set(field, val);
% Calls to Antelope % Reading an Antelope database using name/value pairs: % OLD: % cobj = catalog('/Seis/catalogs/aeic/Total/Total', 'antelope', 'snum', datenum(2009,1,1), 'enum', datenum(2010,1,1), 'minmag', 4.0, 'region', [-170.0 -135.0 55.0 65.0]); % NEW: % cobj = readEvents('antelope', 'dbpath', '/Seis/catalogs/aeic/Total/Total', 'snum', datenum(2009,1,1), 'enum', datenum(2010,1,1), 'minmag', 4.0, 'region', [-170.0 -135.0 55.0 65.0]); % % Reading an Antelope database using a subset expression: % OLD: % cobj = catalog('/Seis/catalogs/aeic/Total/Total', 'antelope', 'dbeval', 'time > "1989/1/1" && time < "2006/1/1" && deg2km(distance(61.2989, -152.2539, lat, lon))<10.0'); % NEW:
cobj = readEvents('antelope', 'dbpath', '/Seis/catalogs/aeic/Total/Total', 'subset_expression', 'time > "2009/1/1" & time < "2010/1/1"' & ml > 4 & lon > -170.0 & lon < -135.0 & lat > 55.0 & lat < 65.0');
- if strcmp(dataformat, 'antelope')
% Check if 'dbeval' name-value pair exists % SKELETON: need to replace dbeval in field array and replace with subset_expression % then find out if name-value pairs translate from old to new catalog if exists('p.Results.dbeval','var')
%cobj = readEvents('antelope', 'dbpath', filepath, 'subset_expression', p.Results.dbeval, varargin{:})
- else
- %cobj = readEvents('antelope', 'dbpath', filepath, vargarin{:})