ReleaseManagement - geopython/pygeoapi GitHub Wiki

The following are step by step instructions on how to package a release.

Building the Release Packages

Source Code

Step 1

Make sure the source builds and works locally, and the docs build with no errors

Step 2

Make sure the source passes GitHub Actions CI, OGC CITE tests and unit tests

Step 3

Create a release tag against master:

  • update desired branch with x.y.z in pygeoapi/ and docs/source/
  • update changelog information in debian/changelog
  • commit the above updates:
# in branch master
git commit -m 'update release version' pygeoapi/ docs/source/ debian/changelog
git push origin master # or branch if releasing from a branch

Release tags are in the format x.y.z

If releasing from master:

git tag -a x.y.z -m 'tagging x.y.z'
git push --tags

If a stable branch is required:

git checkout -b x.y
# pin requirements in requirements.txt as per RFC2
git push x.y

If releasing from a branch:

git checkout x.y
git tag -a x.y.z -m 'tagging x.y.z'
git push --tags

Release to PyPI:

python3 sdist bdist_wheel --universal
twine upload dist/*

Step 4

Create Docker Image on DockerHub for release/tag (you'll need permission for that repo on DockerHub):

  • Go to pygeoapi DockerHub Builds Page.
  • Press the blue button "Configure Automated Builds"
  • Under "Build Rules" press the '+' button
  • In new build rule choose: Source Type tag and fill-in new tag x.y.z in Source and Docker Tag columns
  • Disable toggle Build Caching in last column
  • Press the button Save (Save and Build will build all tagged Images!)
  • Press the button Trigger Build
  • Inspect the build progress (may take up to 15 mins!) on builds

Step 5

Upgrade stable version of pygeoapi on Not automated yet! Requires changes within the GitHub repo and the demo server:

  • edit/commit/push services/pygeoapi_stable/docker-compose.yml: set new version tag x.y.z of image: geopython/pygeoapi: x.y.z
  • edit/commit/push services/pygeoapi_stable/local.config.yml: set new version in metadata.identification.title
  • login with admin account on demo server
  • cd ~/git
  • pull changes on server: ./
  • no rebuild needed, only possible changes in local.config.yml if config-conventions have changed
  • restart:
    • cd ~/git/services/pygeoapi_stable
    • restart: ./stop.shthen ./

Step 6


Push updates

git commit -m 'update release' docs/
git push origin master

Step 7

Add the x.y.z documentation to

Step 8

Create a release on GitHub.

The pygeoapi team announces the release of x.y.z.

<high level description>

## Download

- source code:
- PyPI:

## At a glance
- [xx Issues fixed](
- [xx Pull Requests contributed](

## API

## Web/UI/HTML

## Providers

## Configuration

## Documentation

## Other

## Thanks

The pygeoapi team gives thanks for all contributions made for this release.

As always, all contributions are always welcome.

The pygeoapi team

Step 9

  • Email mailing list:
Subject: pygoeapi x.y.z released


The pygeoapi team announces the release of pygeoapi x.y.z.

Please see the release announcement at for more information.

The pygeoapi team gives thanks for all contributions made for this release.

As always, all contributions are always welcome.

The pygeoapi team

Step 10

Step 11

Update version in master back to dev (x.y.dev0)