CommunityPluginsThemes - geopython/pygeoapi GitHub Wiki

This page provides useful examples of pygeoapi plugins and themes implemented by downstream applications.


Plugin(s) Organization/Project URL
msc-pygeoapi Meteorological Service of Canada processes for weather/climate/water data workflows
pygeoapi-kubernetes-papermill Euro Data Cube processes for executing Jupyter notebooks via Kubernetes
local-outlier-factor-plugin Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research processes for local outlier detection
ogc-edc Euro Data Cube coverage provider atop the EDC API
nldi_xstool United States Geological Survey Water data processing
pygeometa-plugin pygeometa project pygeometa as a service
cgs-plugins Center for Geospatial Solutions pygeoapi feature and processes plugins


Theme Organization/Project Description
pygeoapi-skin-dashboard GeoCat bv skin for pygeoapi based on a typical dashboard interface
pygeoapi-geoca-theme Natural Resources Canada theme based on the Web Experience Toolkit (WET)