Major Upgrade: decoupling devices and sensors - geocryology/sensorDb GitHub Wiki

We need to handle cases where the device is moved to a different sensor (either because the sensors die, or for convenience instead of changing batteries in the field)

Stephan's Solution

Treat each as a unique combination of device + sensor. Create a new devices entry whenever the device + sensor combination is changed, and "move" the old device (with identical devices.serial_number) to a new location ("device nirvana") with record_observations=FALSE.

Database changes

  • Create Device Nirvana location

PermafrostDB (R-package) changes

Behavioural Changes

  • When swapping loggers in the field, must record which loggers were swapped (e.g. replaced E50xxx with E50yyy at site z on 'YYYYMMDD HHMMSS')

SensorDB Changes

  • Provide a way to 'swap' devices if not done in PermafrostDB
  • In DbApiMemory and DbApiJdbc modify getDeviceFromSerialNumber to return List<Device> or make a new method. Remove checks that throw exceptions when multiple devices are returned
  • SensorFileImporter.importFile() needs some changes:
    1. First get all devices with the serial number
    2. then for each observation: a. find out where each of those devices was b. get the device D_0 for one that was "active" (i.e. not in "device nirvana") c. make sure that one is unique d. make a HashMap(Label,Sensor) for that device
    3. This all has to get moved inside insertSample and its a mess.

Microservices (PermafrostNet) changes

  • Probably none

Link table Solution

Add a new table (devices_sensors) that links the devices and sensors tables with a timestamp, similar to the behaviour of devices_locations

Database changes

  • Create new table devices_sensors with the following fields:
name type
device_id UUID
sensor_id UUID
notes text
  • Populate devices_sensors, linking all existing sensor-device combinations using devices.acquired on as the timestamp
  • For all "human observation" sensors, use arbitrary early date as timestamp
  • Ensure there are no other devices that are missing timestamp
  • Remove sensors.device_id foreign key?
  • Update SQL statements used to create database to reflect changes
  • Create "No Device" device (for orphaned sensors who have had their sensor removed)

Migration code

  • First, close connections to database (block port through openstack)
  • stop sensordb
  • Then, make a backup copy of the database
CREATE DATABASE observations_legacy WITH TEMPLATE observations OWNER postgres;

or if errors:

SELECT pg_terminate_backend( FROM pg_stat_activity 
WHERE pg_stat_activity.datname = 'observations' AND pid <> pg_backend_pid();
  • then connect to observations and:
/* # create new table  # */

CREATE TABLE public.devices_sensors(
     id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
     timestamp timestamp WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL,
     device_id uuid NOT NULL,
     sensor_id uuid NOT NULL,
     notes text,
     CONSTRAINT device_sensor_pk PRIMARY KEY (id)

ALTER TABLE public.devices_sensors OWNER TO observations_admin;

ALTER TABLE public.devices_sensors ADD CONSTRAINT device_sensor_fk_device FOREIGN KEY (device_id)
REFERENCES public.devices (id) MATCH FULL

ALTER TABLE public.devices_sensors ADD CONSTRAINT device_sensor_fk_sensor FOREIGN KEY (sensor_id)
REFERENCES public.sensors (id) MATCH FULL

GRANT SELECT on devices_sensors to observations_read;
GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE on devices_sensors to observations_write;

/*   copy data */
INSERT INTO devices_sensors (timestamp, device_id, sensor_id, notes)                
       SELECT devices.acquired_on as timestamp,
     as device_id,
     as sensor_id,
              'Interpreted from old devices.aquired_on' as notes
         FROM devices
              INNER JOIN sensors ON sensors.device_id =;

/* Create 'No Device' device */
INSERT INTO devices (device_type, manufacturer, acquired_on, notes)
            VALUES (
                   'no device',
                   'generic device',
                   make_timestamptz(1900, 1, 1, 00, 00, 00, 'UTC'),
                   'This devices links to sensors that have been disconnected from a device.'
/* */ 

/*  == Later == # */

/*  delete constraints */
ALTER TABLE public.sensors DROP CONSTRAINT fk_device_id;
/* delete field sensors.device_id */
ALTER TABLE public.sensors DROP COLUMN device_id;

/* Checks */

/* All sensors linked to a device */
SELECT, sensors.label,
  FROM sensors 
       LEFT JOIN devices_sensors
       ON = devices_sensors.sensor_id
/* can select manual obs */ 
SELECT sensors.label 
   FROM sensors 
        INNER JOIN devices_sensors ON = devices_sensors.sensor_id
        INNER JOIN devices ON = devices_sensors.device_id
 WHERE devices.device_type = 'human observation';

/* can select sensor */
SELECT sensors.label,
       devices_sensors.timestamp as added_to_device_on
  FROM sensors 
        INNER JOIN devices_sensors ON = devices_sensors.sensor_id
        INNER JOIN devices ON = devices_sensors.device_id
 WHERE = 'cd28efd8-2852-4c79-82db-f5169d37901d'
       AND devices_sensors.timestamp > make_timestamptz(1900, 1, 1, 00, 00, 00, 'UTC');
  • Re-open connections to database (through openstack)

PermafrostDB (R-package) changes

Behavioural Changes

SensorDB Changes

  • No changes to sensorDb-command
  • Modify Sensor object
    • Remove any Java representation of the sensors.device_id field
      • Deal with any calls to sensor.setDeviceId()
      • Remove attribute deviceId
      • Delete or deprecate methods sensor.setDeviceId() and sensor.getDeviceId()
      • any resultSet returned from the database when creating a sensor needs indices incremented
  • Create new DeviceSensor object that looks like DeviceLocation
  • Modify DbApiJdbc object (and also DbApiMemory() for testing purposes and also in the DbAPI interface)
    • Create new method createDeviceSensor
    • Create new method getSensorFromSensorId
    • Create new method getDeviceSensor
    • Create new method getDeviceSensorFromDeviceId
    • Create new method getSensorFromDeviceSensor
    • Modify createSensor
      • do not include device_id (will need to link it to a device elsewhere)
      • update indices of resultset and database statement values
    • Modify createDevice : don't setDeviceId for created sensors. Instead, create a new record in devices_sensors using createDeviceSensor (what happens if this crashes: orphaned sensors? what needs to be checked? can we access the id of both the sensor (yes, from createSensor) and device (yes - from resultSet) as they're being created?)
  • Changes to
    • Create method addDeviceSensor
    • Create method buildDeviceSensorJson
    • Create method getDeviceSensors
    • Modify getSensorsFromDeviceId or create getSensorsFromDeviceIdAtTimestamp to only get sensors at particular time
    • Modify buildSensorJson to not include
  • Changes to sensorDb-upload-observations/*
    • Create class DeviceSensorHistory analogous to DeviceLocator
      • create method getSensorsFromTimestamp (public List<Sensor> getSensorsFromTimestamp(Date timestamp))
  • Changes to SensorFileImporter (I think this is where things get tough)
    • Currently, the class gets all sensors through a call to dbAPI.getSensorsFromDeviceId(device_id). Then checks to make sure each label points to a single sensor and that all columns (labels have a sensor) (a bijection?). We will start to return duplicate sensors-per-label. The method insertSample takes the Sensor object and a DeviceLocator which uses the timestamp to get the proper location. There would be an analagous solution where we pass a label and a DeviceSensorInventory. But we should still check that there aren't duplicate/missing sensor:label relations for that particular timestep.
    • create new class DeviceSensorHistory(List<deviceSensor> devicesSensors, List<Sensor> Sensors) with method List<Sensor> sensorsFromTimestamp(Date correctedTime)
    • Create new class SensorSelector(List<Sensor> sensors, List<String> labels) with method Sensor sensorFromLabel(String label). This creates the HashMap<String,Sensor>that is currently done inSensorFileImporter.importFileand performs the necessary checks. TheSensorSelectoris passed toinsertSamplealong with theString sensorLabel` for a particular observation.
    • New overloaded method insertSample that doesn't yet know which sensor to take (given a label instead) - but how and when to check that all required labels exist?
  • Deal with the creation of new sensor-device combinations from a template
    • we'll have to also make the timestamped linking record
    • traces back to getSensorsFromDeviceId
  • Testing
    • Review and modify existing tests where the tests use sensor.deviceId
    • Create new tests (following examples from analogous classes and their tests)
  • New major version
  • Traceability
    • Create new interface like ImportReport.. maybe DeviceSwapReport ?
    • Implement DeviceSwapReportMemory
    • [ ]

Microservices (PermafrostNet) changes

  • Observations API
    • No changes (devices don't come into the picture)
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️