RACK core ontology detailed changelogs - ge-high-assurance/RACK GitHub Wiki

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This captures all changes to the RACK ontology (and only the RACK ontology), in reverse chronological order. Even within each section, commits are ordered from most recent to oldest. Changes prior to version 4.0 have not been tracked.

Changes for v14.0

No ontology changes

Changes for v13.0

Merge pull request #950 from ge-high-assurance/sri-ss_to_core

Merge pull request #774 from ge-high-assurance/TESTING_updates_kwq

Changes for v12.0

Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/ge-high-assurance/RACK

  • Minor change

Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/ge-high-assurance/RACK

  • Alias entityResolution changed to EntityResolution

Merge branch 'master' of github.com:ge-high-assurance/RACK

Initial claims ontology (#804)

Merge pull request #784 from ge-high-assurance/bdu_props

Merge pull request #783 from ge-high-assurance/conf_assess_entity

Merge pull request #693 from ge-high-assurance/SW-HW-component

Changes for v10.0

Merge pull request #665 from ge-high-assurance/am-cleanup

  • Added note

Incorporate MITRE CWE into the core ontology (#660)

  • Change outside of RACK core: added MITRE-CWE.sadl

Remove specializations of wasAssocatedWith from SOFTWARE (#652)

Remove cardinality constraint on dataInsertedBy (#659)

Add range restrictions on wasGeneratedBy for well-known generation activities (#653)

  • Restricted range of http://arcos.rack/ANALYSIS#ANALYSIS_OUTPUT's http://arcos.rack/PROV-S#wasGeneratedBy to only values of type http://arcos.rack/ANALYSIS#ANALYSIS.
  • Restricted range of http://arcos.rack/CONFIDENCE#CONFIDENCE_ASSESSMENT's http://arcos.rack/PROV-S#wasGeneratedBy to only values of type http://arcos.rack/CONFIDENCE#ASSESSING_CONFIDENCE.
  • Restricted range of http://arcos.rack/HAZARD#HAZARD's http://arcos.rack/PROV-S#wasGeneratedBy to only values of type http://arcos.rack/HAZARD#HAZARD_IDENTIFICATION.
  • Restricted range of http://arcos.rack/REQUIREMENTS#REQUIREMENT's http://arcos.rack/PROV-S#wasGeneratedBy to only values of type http://arcos.rack/REQUIREMENTS#REQUIREMENT_DEVELOPMENT.
  • Restricted range of http://arcos.rack/REVIEW#REVIEW_LOG's http://arcos.rack/PROV-S#wasGeneratedBy to only values of type http://arcos.rack/REVIEW#REVIEW.
  • Restricted range of http://arcos.rack/SYSTEM#SYSTEM's http://arcos.rack/PROV-S#wasGeneratedBy to only values of type http://arcos.rack/SYSTEM#SYSTEM_DEVELOPMENT.
  • Restricted range of http://arcos.rack/TESTING#TEST's http://arcos.rack/PROV-S#wasGeneratedBy to only values of type http://arcos.rack/TESTING#TEST_DEVELOPMENT.
  • Restricted range of http://arcos.rack/TESTING#TEST_RESULT's http://arcos.rack/PROV-S#wasGeneratedBy to only values of type http://arcos.rack/TESTING#TEST_EXECUTION.

Merge pull request #649 from ge-high-assurance/ks/convertStandards

  • Removed non-core-RACK SADL files.

Update ARP-4754A.sadl (#651)

  • Changes to ARP-4754A.

Merge pull request #641 from ge-high-assurance/check_upd_2022_01

  • Added notes.

Changes for v9.0


Issue573 (#597)

Merge pull request #612 from ge-high-assurance/rm_HAZARD_definition

Merge pull request #610 from ge-high-assurance/resolve_607

Merge pull request #608 from ge-high-assurance/entityURL-string

Merge pull request #541 from ge-high-assurance/simplify-wasGeneratedBy

Merge pull request #593 from ge-high-assurance/entityURL-property

Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/ge-high-assurance/RACK

Add baselines to the ontology (#560)

Merge pull request #550 from ge-high-assurance/correctForDomainRange

Disable ranges in HAZARD ontology (#553)

  • Removed unchecked ranges from certain classes.

Removed 2 inverse properties in SYSTEM.sadl (#523)

  • Removed inverse relationships for SYSTEM#source and SYSTEM#destination.

Changes for v7.0

Merge pull request #409 from ge-high-assurance/revert-404-Prop-definedIn

Merge pull request #404 from ge-high-assurance/Prop-definedIn

Changes for v6.0

Added SACM in new LM-Ontology dir. Removed SACM-S. (#344)

  • SACM-S.sadl was removed from the RACK-Ontology and moved to LM-Ontology

Merge pull request #346 from ge-high-assurance/em/single-value

Provide a MODEL concept for attaching different interpretations of RACK data (#299)

Changes for v5.0

Merge pull request #310 from ge-high-assurance/em/sw-naming-convention

Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/ge-high-assurance/RACK

Incorporate ontology review for FILE (#257)

revert cardinality change of author property

Revert review_log to be an entity

Incorporate ontology review for REVIEW

Remove cardinality constraints from REQUIREMENTS conditions

Move from text to description

Incorporate ontology review for REQUIREMENTS

Incorporate ontology review changes to PROV-S

Incorporate ontology-review changes to ANALYSIS Rename ANALYSIS_REPORT to ANALYSIS_OUTPUT

Incorporate ontology review for DOCUMENT

Incorporate ontology-review changes to CONFIDENCE

Incorporate ontology review for HAZARD

Merge pull request #250 from ge-high-assurance/ontology-review/agents

Merge pull request #263 from ge-high-assurance/ontology-review/testing

Merge pull request #248 from ge-high-assurance/em/wasDerivedFrom

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