Translating - gd-99/symbiogd GitHub Wiki

Translate strings

Translating with Transifex

Just go to and start translating. ;-)

Some stats

Then, you can update the webos's translations files by running grunt transifex.

Translating directly files

Alternatively, you can edit directly files to translate.

Firstly, you will have to translate strings in /usr/share/locale.

Files must be copied from an existing translation (/usr/share/locale/fr_FR) to a new directory /usr/share/locale/localeName. The locale name is the same as on POSIX platforms (see For example, en_AU is for Australian English.

Translate apps titles and description

Then, you can translate apps titles and descriptions here : /usr/share/applications. Categories are here : /usr/share/categories.

Other translations

Some strings cannot be translated in a few number of apps. Please report these apps on the bug tracker.

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