Jargon - ganong-noel/lab_manual GitHub Wiki

Lyx or Google Docs

  • Xxx is a must fix issue
  • Ooo is an issue that needs work but is optional
  • Sss statistic
  • DDD live discussion
  • CCC is a citation
  • NNN means the author wants Pascal Noel to read this.
    • After Pascal reads it, he will change to PN
  • GGG for Peter G
  • You will get your own "handle" when you join lab

Todo lifecycle

  1. Candidate_TODO means the author wants the other PI to read this
    • Declined_to_do means we decided not to do the work
  2. TODO means needs to be ticketed in github or implemented in a paper or slides.
  3. TICKETED means has been ticketed.
  4. TO_DONE means has been done
  • to_do is when you want to use the word “todo” without it coming up in a search of the document
  • TOADDRESS means we don’t know how to ticket (e.g. what work needs to happen and how much) at time of meeting. These are reviewed and possibly discussed again later.