Reference Library - galacticusorg/galacticus GitHub Wiki

The following are a collection of useful reference works (papers, presentations, classes, etc.) the describe the astrophysics which Galacticus incorporates. These are primarily reference and introductory works.


  • "Introduction to Cosmology" - Barbara Ryden's upper-level undergrad textbook - a nice introduction to the basics of cosmology

Linear growth of structure

  • Lecture 3 of Hojun Mo's class "Formation and evolution of galaxies" has a detailed derivation of the growth of small perturbations in an expanding universe

Power spectra

  • Lecture 4 of Hojun Mo's class "Formation and evolution of galaxies" explains how the power spectrum is defined and computed

Nonlinear collapse

  • Lecture 5 of Hojun Mo's class "Formation and evolution of galaxies" derives solutions for spherical collapse of nonlinear perturbations

Dark matter halos and Merger trees

  • Lecture 6 of Hojun Mo's class "Formation and evolution of galaxies" explains dark matter halos, the derivation of the Press-Schechter mass function, and has a simple overview of how this is used to construct merger trees