Command Line Usage - gaddlord/ GitHub Wiki
Command line keys and parameters for MTG Studio (mtgstudio.exe and mtgstudio_portable.exe):
mtgstudio.exe [deck filename]
- Open deck by providing its [deck filename] as first parameter.
mtgstudio.exe /ns
- Start the program without splash screen
mtgstudio.exe /portable
- Start the program as portable application. MTG Studio will create all its configuration files under
the startup folder.
mtgstudio.exe /log
- Start the program and outputing Log messages to console.
mtgstudio.exe /exception
- Start the program with a dummy exception being raised.
Those parameters can be combined. For example:
mtgstudio.exe aggro.deck /log /exception /portable /ns
Command line keys and parameters for Auto Updater (update.exe):
/auth basic - Specify that basic authentication will be used during the download of a newer version.
/u [username] - Provide the [username] to be used in basic authentication.
/p [password] - Provide the [password] to be used in basic authentication.
Note that instead of "/" character for parameters the "-" character can also be used. (i.e. "-ns" is equivalent to "/ns")
from a shortcut
Here is an example of how to start MTG Studio with the parameter Previous to 3.211 versions had the update.exe being called kicker.exe.