Card Art - gaddlord/ GitHub Wiki
For sure the most frequently asked question in our "Where are the card images?". This is a small tutorial answering to all card images related questions regarding MTG Studio.
Is MTG Studio shipped with card images?
No. MTG Studio is not distributed with card images. Here are the main reasons why:
All individual cards are protected under trademark and copyright laws, including art elements and the card backs. The copyright belongs to Wizards of the Coast and the respective artists. The use of this art and images requires the express permission from Wizards of the Coast. Without this permission, scanning and posting and otherwise distributing these images violates the law.
All full scans with 312x446 pixels high quality jpegs are approximately a few GB which will make MTG Studio almost impossible to download from a web site.
Anyway, if the installation program was shipped with all card images the outgoing traffic of our web server will increase so much that we will be forced to increase the price of MTG Studio nearly 5 times.
Where to get the images from?
MTG Studio will attempt to fetch the images from Internet.
How the images are named?
The valid file name must include only standard English lowercase and upper case ASCII symbols.
Fork → Fork.full.jpg
Demonic Tutor → Demonic Turor.full.jpg
Due to restriction of the allowed symbols for valid file name forming on Windows and Linux platforms some images require different filename from the real name of the card. Invalid symbols are: \ / : * ? " < > |. How to handle those symbols?
- Replace all occurrences of / (slash), and \ (back-slash) in the card name with - (dash)
Fire/Ice → Fire-Ice.full.jpg
- Skip all occurrences of : (colon), " (quotes), ? (question mark), * (asterisk), <, > and | (vertical line) in the card name
Circle of Protection: Red → Circle of Protection Red.full.jpg
Pang Tong "Young Phoenix" → Pang Tong Young Phoenix.full.jpg
Question Elemental? → Question Elemental.full.jpg
- Some cards contain specific symbols such as , (coma) ' (apostrophe) ! (exclamation mark) ®. These symbols are valid within the file name and must be typed exactly as they are printed on the card.
Mine, Mine, Mine! → Mine, Mine, Mine!.full.jpg
The Ultimate Nightmare of Wizards of the Coast® Customer Service.full.jpg
What is the difference between full and cropped images? Is MTG Studio supporting cropped?
Full images - full card images including the card border and all the card characteristics such as card name, type line, power, toughness, etc. Sample: Head to Head full art The file extension for full images must be *.full.jpg in order MTG Studio to recognize them.
(Example: The full image of the card "Head to Head" from Unhinged™ must be saved as with filename "Head to Head.full.jpg"
Cropped Images - cropped images are scans of only the card art image in the middle of the card. Sample: "Head to Head" from Unhinged™ edition
Cropped images are saved with *.jpg extension.
NOTE: MTG Studio currently supports only full images (those with extension *.full.jpg).