SOLID Principles - gablesiak/learning-path GitHub Wiki

S – Single Responsibility

-class should only have one responsibility

-class should only have one reason to change

-amount of classes in project increases, but it makes it easier to read/maintain

-class with one responsibility will have far fewer test cases

-less functionality in a single class will have fewer dependencies

-atomic classes -> impossible to reduce

Wrong code example:

class Person
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Lastname { get; set; }
    public string City { get; set; }
    public string Street { get; set; }
    public int HouseNumber { get; set; }
    public string Email { get; set; }
    public Person(string name, string lastname, string email)
        Name = name;
        Lastname = lastname;
        Email = ValidateEmail(email);
    private string ValidateEmail(string email) 
        if (!email.Contains("@") || !email.Contains("."))
            throw new FormatException("Email address has a wrong format!");
        return email;


-contains mail validation method, it shouldn't be a responsibility of this particular class

-it should not contain attributes that are not related to it - address

-problem with address validation in other places - it'd require to use class person

-it'd be necessary to copy the code in many places

Corrected version:

class Address
    public string City { get; set; }
    public string Street { get; set; }
    public int HouseNumber { get; set; }

class Person
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Lastname { get; set; }
    public string Email { get; set; }
    public Address PersonAddress { get; set; }
    public Person(string name, string lastname, string email)
        Name = name;
        Lastname = lastname;
        Email = email;

class EmailValidator
    public void ValidateEmail(string email)
        if (!email.Contains("@") || !email.Contains("."))
            throw new FormatException("Email address has a wrong format!");

-splited into 3 classes

-each class have single responsibility


-classes should be open for extension but closed for modification

-it stops from modifying existing code and causing potential new issues

-exception - fixing bugs in existing code

Wrong code example:

class Square
    public int A { get; set; }

class Rectangle
    public int A { get; set; }
    public int B { get; set; }

class Calculator
    public int Area(object shape)
        if (shape is Square)
            Square square = (Square)shape;
            return square.A * square.A;
        else if (shape is Rectangle)
            Rectangle rectangle = (Rectangle)shape;
            return rectangle.A * rectangle.B;
        return 0;


-adding a new shape => class modification

Corrected version:

abstract class Shape
    public abstract int Area();

class Square : Shape   
    public int A { get; set; }
    public override int Area()
        return A * A;

class Rectangle : Shape
    public int A { get; set; }
    public int B { get; set; }
    public override int Area()
        return A * B;

class Calculator
    public int Area(Shape shape)
        return shape.Area();

-Base class methods are used correctly for inheritance

L-Liskov substitution

-Plan and use inheritance so that derived classes can use all the methods from the base class.

-the rule is broken most often with too general polymorphism

-derived classes override the base class's methods, replacing its mismatched logic

Wrong code example:

public abstract class Bird
    public void Fly() { }       
public class Dove : Bird
    public void Fly() 
        // code
public class Penguin : Bird
    public void Fly() 
        // code


-if we force the use of the base class, the inheriting classes will be affected with logical errors

Corrected version:

    public void Fly() { }       
public abstract class WalkingBird
    public void Walk() { }      
public class Dove : FlyingBird
    public void Fly() 
        // tresc metody w klasie gołąb
public class Penguin : WalkingBird
    public void Walk() 
        // tresc metody w klasie pingwin

-Base class methods are used correctly for inheritance

I-Interface Segregation Principle

-orderliness in interfaces

-maximum atomicity

-simplification of interface/base class

-more dedicated interfaces better than one general

-future issues with inheritance

-problems with methods that are later unnecessary in other code snippet

Wrong code example:

public interface IAccount
    public void CreateUser() { }
    public void EditUser() { }
    public void DeleteUser() { }
    public void ValidateLoginUser() { } 
public class Register : IAccount
    public void CreateUser() 
    { // tresc metody}
     public void EditUser()
     {  throw new NotImplementedException();}  
     public void DeleteUser()
     {  throw new NotImplementedException(); }  
     public bool ValidateLoginUser()
     {   // tresc metody }
public class UserProfile : IAccount
    public void CreateUser() 
    {  throw new NotImplementedException(); }
     public void EditUser()
     { // tresc metody }  
     public void DeleteUser()
     {  throw new NotImplementedException();}  
     public bool ValidateLoginUser()
     { throw new NotImplementedException();}  


-IAccount contains 4 methods

-Classes Register i UserProfile inherit all methods from interface, not all of them are necessary

-this forces an addition of exception

Corrected version:

    public void CreateUser() { }        
public interface IEditU
        public void EditUser() { }
public interface IDeleteU
    public void DeleteUser() { }
public interface IValidateU
    public void ValidateLoginUser() { }
public class Register : ICreateU, IValidateU
    public void CreateUser() 
        // code
    public bool ValidateLoginUser()
        // code
public class UserProfile : IEditU
    public void EditUser() 
        // code

-inheritance added as needed

-smaller interfaces

D-Dependecy Inversion Principle

-all dependencies should depend as much as possible on abstraction and not on a specific type

-dependence, e.g. inheritance

-business logic classes should not be dependent on non-core classes

Wrong code example:

    public SMS sendSms { get; set; }
    public MAIL sendMail { get; set; }
    public Message()
        sendSms = new SMS();
        sendMail = new MAIL();
    public void SendMessages()


-class message creates 2 objects in constructor, based on SMS and mail

-the upper-level class depends on the lower-level classes

-sendmessage – methods from 2 related classes

Corrected version:

    public void Send();
public class SMS : IMessage
    public void Send()
        // treść metody obsługująca SMS
public class MAIL : IMessage
    public void Send()
        // treść metody obsługująca MAIL
public class Message
    private IEnumerable<IMessage> allMessages;
    public Messenger(IEnumerable<IMessage> messages)
        allMessages = messages;
    public void Send()
         allMessages.AsEnumerable().ToList().ForEach(n => n.Send());

-abstraction – interface defines send method

-dependencies between high and low level classes removed

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