Onebox Deployment - futurewei-cloud/alcor-int GitHub Wiki

Step by step deployment on clean ubuntu 16.04 physical machine

Build and Deployment

Base machine setup

  1. Install latest git version
    1. add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa
    2. apt-get update
    3. apt-get install git
  2. Install docker:
  3. Clone and setup Alcor Control Agent + Mizar:
    1. cd ~/dev
    2. git clone --recurse-submodules -j8
    3. cd ~/dev/mizar-mp && git submodule update --init --recursive
    4. ./build/
  4. Install python3.6 if running Ubuntu 16.04:
  5. python3.6 -m pip install netaddr
  6. python3.6 -m pip install docker
  7. Run AlcorControlAgent/mizar/ and reboot the OS as required

Kafka Deployment

Install and run this Kafka Docker image:

  1. docker pull spotify/kafka
  2. docker run -p 2181:2181 -p 9092:9092 --env ADVERTISED_HOST=docker-machine ip \docker-machine active`` --env ADVERTISED_PORT=9092 spotify/kafka --name alcor-kafka Default port 9092 for Kafka was used, you can change to another port if needed, but you will need to change the Alcor configuration file under AlcorController/src/resources/

Controller Deployment

  1. cd ~/dev/mizar-mp/AlcorController
  2. ./scripts/
  3. ./scripts/

Host Deployment

  1. cd ~/dev/mizar-mp/AlcorControlAgent/test/e2e_tests
  2. (optional) Modify the test code to change the number of host: vim (default is 10, change line 24 "n_aca_droplets" to the desired number between 1-100)
  3. Execute the host deployment script: python3.6 -W ignore -m unittest

End to End Testing

Endpoint Creation and Dataplane Programming

Call Alcor controller to program dataplane

  1. cd ~/dev/mizar-mp/AlcorController
  2. ./scripts/ localhost 8080 false
  3. ./scripts/ localhost 8080 false

Connectivity Testing

  1. docker exec -it ephost_0 /bin/bash
  2. (to look at Alcor Control Agent and Mizar logs) tail -f /var/log/syslog
  3. (using ping) ip netns exec test_netw_ns ping
  4. (install and use fping) apt-get install fping
  5. ip netns exec test_netw_ns fping -g