User Manager - fudforum/FUDforum GitHub Wiki

The Moderator/User Manager admin control panel allows administrators (and account moderators) to manage users as well as assign and/or remove moderation permission from users.

Table of Contents

Choosing a User

The first step of managing a user is picking a user which you want to edit. You can do so by entering the login name or the E-mail address of the use into the appropriate fields on the user manager control panel.

The control panel allows for partial matching, so you can enter masks such as 'ad*', which would find all users who's login name begins with an 'ad'.

If there is only one matching user, their information will be retrieved into the user manager. If more then one user matches, then you will be presented with a list of all the matching users and will be able to pick the user you want to manage by clicking on their login name.

Now that you've pulled up the user information inside the user manager you can proceed to modify the various user settings.

Change Login Name

The user manager allows the administrator to change the login of the user who's account is being edited. This can be accomplished by entering a different login into the 'Login' field and clicking on the 'Change Login Name' button.

Make sure the login you're going to enter is not already in use, otherwise the process will fail.

Change Password

The user manager allows the administrator to change the password of the who's account is being edited. To change the password enter a new password into the 'Password' textbox and press the 'Change Password' button.

By default 'Password' textbox will always be empty since passwords are encrypted with a 1 way algorithm, MD5 for greater security and cannot be decoded back.

Change User's Profile

Clicking on this link will take the administrator to the profile control panel where they can edit the user's profile and settings. The administrator will need to enter the their password on that form to activate any of the changes that were made.

Forum Administrator

This options shows whether this user is an administrator or not. By clicking on the toggle link the administrator can assign or remove administrative privileges from a user.

E-mail Confirmation

Whether or not this account has been confirmed via e-mail. If enabled in the admin control panel all new accounts must be confirmed via e-mail before they activated.

Confirmed Account

Flag indicating if the account was confirmed via E-mail or not. Also see Account Approval.

Can use signature

Flag indicating if the user can use signatures on the forum or not.

Can use private messaging

Flag indicating if the user can use the forum's private messaging system or not.

Account Moderator

Flag indicating if this account has permissions to change and remove accounts of other users.


Whether or not this account requires COPPA confirmation.

If the value is set to 'Y', then this account is pending COPPA confirmation.

Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA) indicates that all accounts of children under the age of 13 must be confirmed by their legal guardians via FAX or Snail Mail.

Moderating Forums

Shows the list of the forum this user is moderating. Clicking on the 'Modify Moderation Permissions' link will open up a pop-up with a list of all the forums. By checking a checkbox beside each forum the administrator can assign moderation permissions for that forum to this user. Unchecking a checked checkbox will remove moderation permissions from the user.

Custom Tags

The administrator can assign an unlimited number of custom tags to a user. This option allows the admin to enter the new custom tags for the user, by entering the text into the 'Custom Tags' textbox and pressing the 'Add' button.

Custom tags may contain raw HTML.

All of the user's current custom tags are listed above the textbox and can be removed by clicking the 'Delete' link beside each custom tag.

Custom tags are little bits of text and/or HTML that are displayed on the user's profile page as well as inside the author information bit beside all their messages.

At the bottom of the user control panel there are a number of links that allow the administrator to take certain actions in regard to the selected user.

Profile Link Color

Profile links are displayed in the forums's logged in users list on the main page. Normally administrator links are displayed in red and moderator links in green. You can enter a color name or color code into this field to display the user's link in the color of your choice.

Sample values:

  • red
  • #0000FF
  • #00BB00; font-weight: bold

Is Banned

Yes/No flag indicating whether or not this user is banned (blocked from posting messages on the forum).

Ban Duration (in days)

If the user is banned, the duration of the ban in days. After this amount of days the user will automatically be un-banned.

A value of 0 indicates a permanent ban.

Use fractions to specify bans shorter than one day. For example, a ban of 0.5 represents 12 hours and 0.1 represents 2.5 hours.

Send Private Message

Send a private message to this user using the private messaging system.

This link will only be available if the private messaging system is enabled.

Send Email

Send an e-mail to the user. If the forum's internal email system is enabled it will be used, otherwise standard mailto: URL will be given, allowing the administrator to send the e-mail using their mail client.

See Posts

Clicking this link will show all the posts made by this user.

Reset Password

Resets the user's password and sends the randomly generated password via e-mail to the user.

Delete User

Delete this user account, once deleted there is no way to retrieve the user's account it will be permanently lost, be careful when using this option. The user's mail will be left on the forum but will belong to the anonymous user.

Delete All messages by this user

Remove all messages the user has posted on the forum without removing the user's account itself.

Also see

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