PostgreSQL - fudforum/FUDforum GitHub Wiki
FUDforum provides out of the box support for PostgreSQL (PgSQL) databases.
One of the following PHP drivers must be implemented to enable Postgres support:
- pgsql
- pdo_mysql (Portable Data Objects interface)
Create the initial database with pgAdmin or one of the below methods:
Method 1:
postgres=# create database fuddb; CREATE DATABASE postgres=# create user fuduser; CREATE ROLE postgres=# alter role fuduser with password 'your_secret_password'; ALTER ROLE postgres=# grant all privileges on database fuddb to fuduser; GRANT postgres=# alter database fuddb owner to fuduser; ALTER DATABASE
Method 2:
cd postgresql/bin ./createuser -U postgres fuduser -S -D -R -P ./createdb -U postgres fuddb -O fuduser