Mathcaptcha.plugin - fudforum/FUDforum GitHub Wiki
Mathcaptcha.plugin is a plugin that presents users with a mathematical captcha instead of FUDforum's default captcha challenge.
None, this plugin can be uploaded and activated as-is on any forum.
If enables, users will see a mathcaptcha when trying to register or when posing anonymously (if enabled).
File mathcaptcha.plugin:
// Implement a simple mathematical CAPTCHA function plugin_mathcaptcha() { $n1 = mt_rand(1,10); $n2 = mt_rand(0,10); $answer = $n1 + $n2; $text = 'Please sum the two numbers: '. $n1 .' + '. $n2 .'<br />'; $text .= '<input type="text" name="turing_test" id="turing_test" size="25" required="required" />'; $text .= '<input type="hidden" name="turing_res" value="'. md5($answer) .'" />'; return $text; }
- Recaptcha.plugin, captcha plugin that used the Recaptcha service.
- Riddlecaptcha.plugin, captcha plugin that will ask the users simple questions.