Custom profile fields - fudforum/FUDforum GitHub Wiki

The Custom profile fields admin control panel allows the administrator to create and manage custom fields that are displayed in your user's profiles. Custom fields will enable you to specialize your forum and to learn more from your users.

Table of Contents

Add New/ Edit Field

Field Name

Name of the custom profile field shown to users.


Explanation of what users should type into the field.


How to present the field. Available options:

  • Single line
  • Text box
  • Drop down
  • Radio buttons


Default value or a list of possible values for a "drop down" or "radio buttons" field (enter one value per line).


Who can see the value entered into this field? Choose between "Private", "All users" and "All logged in users".


Who can edit this field? Choose between "User", "Admins only" and "Nobody".


Is the field part of the mandatory or optional section of the profile page.

Defined fields

A list of all defined custom fields is presented at the bottom of the page with the following controls next to each of them:


Edit the custom profile field.


Remove the custom profile field. The deletion is permanent and will NOT ask for confirmation.

Change Position

Clicking on the change link will allow you to change the position of the filed. For example move the 4th field to the 2nd position.

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