1. Game Concept - frk2689/UXDM-AVRP-VRgardening GitHub Wiki


Franziska Kroneck
Nancy Toth
link to google slides


A simple VR gardening game similar to Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley. The main task would be caring for plants. The player can choose which plants/flowers they want to plant, water them and watch them evolve. The game can be expanded with other tasks, such as: interacting with animals or NPCs, catching bugs, fishing.
Other features that could be added later are choosing the weather and different environments.
Animal Crossing Stardew Valley


Gardening gains more and more popularity and is considered the most popular leisure activity in Germany. People love to see their plants grow and flourish. They enjoy the relaxing atmosphere of their own little oasis they created. Gardeners admire how each season changes the personality and add a different splash of color to their landscape. Even in New York City a garden is considered pure luxury.

But in Germany 34 Million people don't own a garden. While high-rise districts provide efficient living-space, there's no room for individual landscaping and gardening.

With virtual environments gardening gets reality even on the top of skyscrapers. Games like Animal Crossing have been popular ever since. In combination with VR it will be even more successful. With the power of Virtual Reality everybody can enjoy the immersive experience of Planting, nurturing, and growing plants and flowers.
VR experience


  • relaxing VR Unity game
  • As soon as the player puts on a VR headset he/she experiences a beautiful, green landscape. A menu provides the option to plant seeds. To watch the flowers grow, the player needs to water the seedlings.
  • Certain plants attract certain animals which the player can interact with. Colourful flowers for example lure bees and butterflies. If the player gets too close, they get into a defensive stance or run away. After levelling up, the player is eventually able to feed animals that visit the garden often.

Outline of the planned implementation

standard use case



  • Oculus Rift S
  • Oculus Touch Controller


  • Unity
  • Cinema 4D, Blender

Interaction Techniques:

  • moving the controller (6DOF) (gestures)
  • button press on the controller
  • moving the head

User Personas

Persona 1 Persona 2

User Stories

User Story Acceptance Criteria
As a <description of user>
I want <functionality>
so that <benefit>.
Given [how things begin]
when [action taken]
then [outcome of taking action].
As a player
I want intuitive controls
so that I can enjoy the game without having to focus on controls.
Given that user has to know the controls to play the game
when the controls are similar to the real life actions
then a player can have a more immersive experience.
As a customer
I want fun interactions and interesting graphics
so that I can relax and have fun while playing.
Given that user has bought the game to relax
when they spend time in the game
the environment has to be relaxing and visually pleasing.
As a player
I want a task that is challenging but not too hard
so that playing this game is rewarding when I see my progress.
Given that player progresses in every game
when they take proper care of their virtual plants
then the plants have to grow and become beautiful to show players that they are doing a good job.
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