Venus Flyby - friznit/Unofficial-BDB-Wiki GitHub Wiki

Manned Venus Flyby is a proposal to send three crew on a flyby mission to Venus in an Apollo-derived spacecraft using a gravity assist to shorten the return journey.

Tags: VFB

Basic Build Guide

The Service Module uses a a dual engine mount with 2x Lunar Module Descent Engines engines configured as a Service Propulsion System. The probes must be fitted with decouplers before placing in the Multi Probe Dispenser.

In lift off configuration, the Wet Workshop is filled with Hydrolox fuel and replaces the Saturn S-IVB stage. After lift off and the ejection burn towards Venus is completed, the SLAM segments are jettisoned and the CSM carries out a transposition and docking manoeuvre with the flyby module. The wet workshop is drained of any remaining fuel and converted into a lab. The angle of the solar panels should then be adjusted individually to optimise alignment with the sun.

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