Freestar Ads Mediation Android - freestarcapital/SDK_documentation_Android GitHub Wiki

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Freestar provides an effective ad mediation solution. The Freestar mediation method is universal auction, not the traditional waterfall. Universal auction is more sophisticated than waterfall and provides, by far, the best eCPM. This document describes how to integrate the Freestar SDK into your native Android app quickly and easily. This repo is a fully integrated Android sample app. Feel free to clone it, open with Android Studio and run it on a device.

Note: You can remotely toggle on/off any of the following ad providers as you see fit using our web dashboard. All applicable providers are enabled by default.

Supported Ad Partners

Ad Provider SDK Version Ad Unit Types
AdColony 4.8.0 Fullscreen Interstitial & Rewarded, Banner 300x250, 320x50, 728x90
Admob 22.4.0 Fullscreen Interstitial & Rewarded, Banner 300x250, 320x50, 728x90, Native
Amazon TAM 9.8.2 Fullscreen Interstitial, Banner 300x250, 320x50, 728x90
AppLovin 11.11.3 Fullscreen Interstitial, Rewarded, Banner 300x250, 320x50
AppLovinMAX 11.11.3 Fullscreen Interstitial, Rewarded, Banner 300x250, 320x50
Criteo 4.4.0 Fullscreen Interstitial & Rewarded, Banner 300x250, 320x50
Fyber 8.2.3 Fullscreen Interstitial & Rewarded, Banner 300x250, 320x50
Google Ads Manager 22.4.0 Fullscreen Interstitial & Rewarded, 300x250, 320x50, 728x90, Native
Google IMA SDK 3.28.0 Preroll
HyprMX 6.0.3 Fullscreen Interstitial & Rewarded, Banner 300x250, 320x50, 728x90
Nimbus 2.10.0 Fullscreen Interstitial & Rewarded, Banner 300x250, 320x50, 728x90
Ogury 5.4.0 Fullscreen Interstitial & Rewarded, Banner 300x250, 320x50
Pangle Fullscreen Interstitial & Rewarded, Banner 320x50, 300x250, Native
Prebid 2.1.1 Fullscreen Interstitial, Banner 320x50, 300x250, Native
Tapjoy 13.0.1 Fullscreen Interstitial & Rewarded
Unity Ads 4.7.1 Fullscreen Interstitial & Rewarded, Banner 320x50, 728x90
Vungle 6.12.1 Fullscreen Interstitial & Rewarded, Banner 300x250, 320x50, 728x90
Smaato 22.1.1 Fullscreen Interstitial & Rewarded, Banner 300x250, 320x50, Native

Getting Started

Follow the simple steps below to start monetizing with Freestar Ads in your native Android app today!

Project Setup

Modify Gradle

Merge in the following repositories to your TOP-LEVEL build.gradle: (top-level build.gradle example)

repositories {
        maven { url '' }
        maven { url '' }
        maven { url '' }
        maven { url '' }
        maven { url '' }
        maven { url '' }
        maven { url '' } 
        maven { url "" }
        maven { url "" }
        maven { url "" }

Use build tools version 4.0.1 or greater:

buildscript {

    dependencies {
        classpath("")  //Make sure to use 4.0.1 or greater
        // NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
        // in the individual module build.gradle files

Modify app-level build.gradle

Merge the following into your APP-LEVEL build.gradle:

android {

    compileSdkVersion 33 (or greater)
    defaultConfig {

        minSdkVersion 21  //Important: 21 is the minimum SDK int level supported!
        targetSdkVersion 33 (or greater)

    compileOptions { 

        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 


    packagingOptions {
        exclude 'META-INF/*.kotlin_module'



Merge the following dependencies into your APP-LEVEL build.gradle: (example app-level build.gradle)

dependencies {
    implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])

    //begin Freestar
    implementation ''
    implementation 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:2.1.4'
    implementation 'androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel-ktx:2.5.1'
    implementation 'androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-common-java8:2.5.1'
    implementation 'androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-runtime:2.5.1'
    implementation 'androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-process:2.5.1'

    //Freestar Ad Quality (optional)
    implementation ''

    //Freestar Identity (optional)
    implementation ''
    implementation 'com.liveramp:ats:v2.1.0'
    implementation "androidx.preference:preference-ktx:1.2.0"
    implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json:1.2.0"
    implementation "com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.9.0"
    implementation "com.jakewharton.retrofit:retrofit2-kotlinx-serialization-converter:0.8.0"
    implementation ""
    annotationProcessor ""
    implementation ""

    //Google Ads Manager (GAM)
    implementation ''
    implementation ''

    implementation ''
    implementation ''  //can remove if already used

    //GAM mediation adapters
    implementation ''
    implementation ''
    implementation ''
    implementation ''
    implementation '' //req'd for mediation in GAM

    implementation ''
    implementation 'com.applovin:applovin-sdk:11.11.3'

    implementation ''
    implementation 'com.applovin:applovin-sdk:11.11.3' //can remove if already used

    //Amazon TAM (Transparent Ads Marketplace)
    implementation ''
    implementation ''

    implementation ''
    implementation 'com.adcolony:sdk:4.8.0'

    implementation ''
    implementation 'com.criteo.publisher:criteo-publisher-sdk:4.4.0'

    //Unity Ads
    implementation ''
    implementation "androidx.webkit:webkit:1.7.0"

    implementation ''
    implementation 'com.vungle:publisher-sdk-android:6.12.1'

    implementation ''
    implementation 'com.tapjoy:tapjoy-android-sdk:13.0.1@aar'

    implementation ''
    implementation ""
    implementation ""

    implementation ''
    implementation ''

    implementation ''
    implementation ''
    implementation ''
    implementation ''
    implementation ''
    implementation "androidx.localbroadcastmanager:localbroadcastmanager:1.1.0"

    implementation ''
    implementation ''

    implementation ''
    implementation 'co.ogury:ogury-sdk:5.4.0'

    implementation ''
    implementation 'com.fyber:marketplace-sdk:8.2.3'

    implementation ''
    implementation ''
    implementation ''
    implementation ''
    implementation ''
    implementation ''

    //uncomment if your app is a React Native app
    //implementation ''

    //Note: If you want to use Preroll video ads, un-comment the following lines:
    //Important: Preroll is not compatible with Nimbus, so remove all 3 Nimbus
    //dependencies (above) before using Preroll video ads (freestar-nimbus-adapter,
    //and nimbus section).
    //start preroll
    //implementation ''
    //implementation ''
    //implementation ''
    //implementation ''
    //end preroll

    //end, FreeStar


Note: The values will be different for your final production build.

Merge the following <meta-data> tags into the <application> tag of your AndroidManifest.xml

  • Include android:networkSecurityConfig="@xml/network_security_config" in the application property tag.
  • Add android:exported="true" to your MainActivity activity tag (Your main launcher activity):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""

   <uses-permission android:name="" />

        android:networkSecurityConfig="@xml/network_security_config" />

       <meta-data android:name="" android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version"/>


       <meta-data android:name="applovin.sdk.key"


See the AndroidManifest.xml:

Network Security Config

Add network_security_config.xml to the [ProjectRoot]/app/src/main/res/xml folder (If folder does not exist, please create it).

Initialize Freestar Ads

Freestar Ads must be initialized before you start requesting ads.


        //You may use application or activity context (activity context is preferred due to multiple partners)
        adRequest = new AdRequest(context);
        adRequest.addCustomTargeting("some target", "my value"); //optional
        FreeStarAds.init(context, "XqjhRR", adRequest);    //Use our test key until our solutions team creates your own key!

        //If you do not have custom targeting parameters, then you
        //can just call FreeStarAds.init(context, "XqjhRR")

Custom Targeting

Freestar Ads allows for custom targeting parameters that will be sent to our Google Ads Manager adapter.

        adRequest = new AdRequest(context);
        adRequest.addCustomTargeting("target1", "value1"); //optional
        adRequest.addCustomTargeting("target2", "value2"); //optional

App Open Ad

App Open Ad is a fullscreen ad that shows when the app starts (including 'cold starts') and when the app is resumed from the background.

To utilize App Open Ads in your application, call the following method before calling FreeStarAds.init as follows:

FreeStarAds.requestAppOpenAds("app-open-ad-placement", true, null);   //Obtain a proper placement from our Solutions Team

Interstitial Ad

Note: Please do not "prefetch" the next interstial ad on app startup or after dismissals or no-fills; we do this automatically and internally for you.

InterstitialAd interstitialAd = new InterstitialAd(this, this); //Requires Activity context

//You can also load associated to a placement as follows
//interstitialAd.loadAd(adRequest, "my_placement_p1"); 
If you plan to use more than one placement in your app, please adhere to the placement naming convention as follows:

"my_placement_name_pN", where N is the number of your placement.

For example, let us assume you are using 2 interstitial ad placements in your game or app. The first placement would be the default placement; simply do not specifiy a placement name by using the loadAd() method without the placement parameter. The second placement would be, for example, "my_search_screen_p1". The ending "p1" tells the SDK to use the second placement you created in our web dashboard for the interstitial ad unit.

This process is the same for all the other ad units, such as rewarded ads and banner ads.

When the interstitial ad is ready, the onInterstitialLoaded callback will occur.

    public void onInterstitialLoaded(String placement) {;  //You can display the ad now OR show it later; your choice.
        //Note: Placement will be null if not specified in the original loadAd request.

There are other callbacks that will occur in other events, such as in the rare event where a load ad request does not result in a fill. Please see the MainActivity on this sample for those details.

❗⚠Warning: Attempting to load a new ad from the onInterstitialFailed() method is strongly discouraged. If you must load an ad from onInterstitialFailed(), limit ad load retries to avoid continuous failed ad requests in situations such as limited network connectivity.

Banner Ad

Freestar supports 300x250 and 320x50 banner ad formats and allows you to control the refresh intervals remotely.

        BannerAd bannerAd = new BannerAd(this);  //in Activity
        //Note: you may pass in a "placement" parameter in loadAd but it requires prior remote staff setup

When the banner ad is ready, the onBannerAdLoaded callback will occur.

    public void onBannerAdLoaded(View bannerAd, String placement) {

        //Note: Placement will be null if not specified in the original loadAd request.
        //'banner_container' is your ad container

        ((ViewGroup) findViewById(;
        ((ViewGroup) findViewById(;   //You MUST add the banner to your container here!

Another way to display banner ads is to put BannerAd directly into your XML layout as follows. NOTE: If you choose this route, then you do not need any code in java or kotlin as the ad will automatically be fetched. Also, if you need to set targeting parameters in the AdRequest, then please use the programmatic approach and do not put the banner in the layout.

See in the sample layout:

Small Banner Example:

            < xmlns:ads=""

MREC Example:

            < xmlns:ads=""

Leaderboard Example:

            < xmlns:ads=""

Banner Ad - NativeAd Compete/Small Banner Backfill

Recently added to MREC Banner Ads (300x250) is the ability for MREC sized Banner Ads to internally compete with our Native Ads (Medium Template). The ad with the best eCPM will be rendered. The purpose is to increase MREC fill-rate and eCPM. By default, this feature is not enabled. It can be enabled/disabled remotely via the admin dashboard.

Another feature added to MREC Banner Ads (300x250) is the ability to backfill with Small Banner Ads (320x50). This feature is also controllable via the admin dashboard and is not enabled by default.

The following is sample code illustrating how to render these new MREC features:

        BannerAd bannerAd = new BannerAd(activity);

    public void onBannerAdSizeChanged(AdSize adSize, boolean isNativeAd) {
        Logger.i(TAG,"onBannerAdSizeChanged: " + adSize + " isNative: " + isNativeAd);
        if (adSize.equals(AdSize.NATIVE)) {
                    .setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(dpToPx(350),dpToPx(280)));
        } else if (adSize.equals(AdSize.BANNER_320_50)) {
                    .setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(dpToPx(320),dpToPx(50)));
        } else if (adSize.equals(AdSize.MEDIUM_RECTANGLE_300_250)) { //mrec
                    .setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(dpToPx(300),dpToPx(250)));

The above is taken from our sample app code.

Adaptive Banner Ad (new)

Freestar now supports Adaptive Banner Ads, which are 320x50 banner ads that will automatically fill the full width of the device. AdMob and Google Ads Manager are two supporting demand source partners at this time.
To start displaying Adaptive Banner Ads today, follow the same instructions per our standard banner ads (above). We recommend setting your ad container dimensions to WRAP_CONTENT x WRAP_CONTENT. Then, call the following method before or after our init method:

FreeStarAds.showAdaptiveBannerAdsWhenAvailable( true );  //default is false

So, using Adaptive Banner Ads is not much different from our standard 320x50 banner ads.

NOTE: If there is no-fill for Adaptive Banner (from AdMob or Google Ads Manager), then Freestar will fallback to the standard sized banner ad (320x50) provided by our other demand source partners. You may receive a banner ad that fills the full width of the screen OR you may get a banner ad that fills 320x50.

Rewarded Ad

Note: Please do not "prefetch" the next rewarded ad on app startup or after dismissals or no-fills; we do this automatically and internally for you.

A common myth regarding Rewarded Ads is publishers are required to give something to the user. But, that's not true. You can simply tell the user they must watch the ad in order to be able to proceed to the next level or proceed to content.
  RewardedAd rewardedAd = new RewardedAd(this, this); //Must use Activity context

//You can also load an ad tied to an Interstitial 'placement' as follows
//rewardedAd.loadAd(adRequest, "my_placement_p1"); //'placement' is OPTIONAL and only if 
                                                       //you plan to have more than one Rewarded

When the rewarded ad is ready, the onRewardedVideoLoaded callback will occur.

    public void onRewardedVideoLoaded(String placement) {
        rewardedAd.showRewardAd("my_optional_secret", "my_optional_userid", "Gold Coins", "100");  //Display Ad
        //Note: Placement will be null if not specified in the original loadAd request.

        //Note: If you want to use server-to-server rewarded callbacks, the Freestar team will provide
        //      you with a secret and only that will work.
        //      However, if you want to use client-side only rewarded callbacks, then you can supply
        //      your own "secret" or null as the first parameter.

When the user has fully watched the rewarded ad, the following callback will occur:

    public void onRewardedVideoCompleted(String placement) {
       //allow user to proceed to app content or next level in app/game

When the user has closed the rewarded ad, the following callback will occur:

    public void onRewardedVideoDismissed(String placement) {

If the user does not watch the rewarded ad thru to completion, onRewardedVideoCompleted will not occur. However, the onRewardedVideoDismissed will always occur when the rewarded ad is dismissed regardless if the user watched the entire rewarded ad or not.
❗⚠ Please assume that ads will expire in about 1 hour after the loaded callback. Meaning, you may cache an ad in your app or game, but must be displayed within the alloted hour. Also note that some SDK partners, at their own discretion, may expire their ads earlier than one hour.

Native Ad Unit

Freestar supports Native Ad format where you may customize the look and feel of the ad itself.

Thumbnail Ad Unit

Freestar supports Thumbnail Ads. These are small, floating box ads that overlay your application content. They are not part of your layout design, but you can choose their initial screen location when they first appear. Users can drag them around and can close them via an 'X' button, similar to YouTube 'mini-player' mode.

Load Thumbnail Ad:



        AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest(context);
        ThumbnailAd thumbnailAd = new ThumbnailAd(context);

Display Thumbnail Ad:

In your listener implementation:

    public void onThumbnailAdLoaded(String placement) {       
        thumbnailAd.setGravity(ThumbnailAdGravity.topLeft);  //optional initial location; default is bottomLeft
        thumbnailAd.setMargins(10,10); //in DP               //optional margins in DP; default is 0 and 0;


A PaidEvent occurs when an ad is shown on the screen. PaidEvent contains the following information:

adType The type of ad that got paid for, which is one of the following [interstitial | banner | rewardvideo | preroll | native | thumbnail]
adSize The size of the ad that got paid, which is one of the following [320x50 | 300x250 | 320x480 | 180x180 | 0x0 (native)]
placement The ad placement; can be `null` if it was not specified in the original ad request.
nativeAdTemplate Applies only to native ads and is the size of the native ad template requested: [small | medium]
cpm Real-time CPM
winningPartner The partner who won the auction.
winningBidder If the winningPartner(above) supports server-to-server mediation, then this may be set to the highest bidder from that sub-auction.
userId The UserId set by `FreestarAds.setUserId(...)` Here for convenience.
ifa If available on device, this is the IAB-specific Advertising ID
status Typically, the status will be `null`, which means no problems occurred for this PaidEvent. _However_, there can be a status of `"NA"` (Not Available) - In some cases, the reported CPM (above) is not available from the winningPartner, therefore an estimated CPM was used.

There are two ways to listen for PaidEvents; either by setting a global OnPaidEvent handler or individually per each ad unit type request:

FreeStarAds.setOnPaidEventListener( [Your Global OnPaidEvent handler] );


BannerAd bannerAd = new BannerAd();
bannerAd.setOnPaidEventListener( [Your OnPaidEvent handler for this Banner Ad] );

OnPaidEventListener can be set on any ad unit type, not just BannerAd.

Sample Project

All of this and more, such as Preroll Ads can be seen in the sample MainActivity:

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️