additionalProperties option makes unneeded hidden columns in local scenario - free-jqgrid/jqGrid GitHub Wiki

Introduction. Usage of hidden columns in jqGrid

Starting with version 3.7 jqGrid support local holding of data in internal data and _index parameters. Only if one use remote datatype ("json" or xml) without loadonce: true jqGrid don't hold any local data and all data need be saved in DOM, for example by usage hidden columns in colModel.

Saving information on HTML page in DOM makes the grid slowly and takes additional resources (for example memory) of the web browser.

I described in the old aswer the advantages of the usage datatype: "local" and saving additional information associated to the rows of the grid inside of data object. It makes very easy to implement many advanced scenarios (see the answer for example which demonstrates the usage of subgrids with hierarchical local data).

The implementation of TreeGrid in jqGrid 4.7 and in free jqGrid 4.8 is so that the information about the structure of Tree () will be saved in both places: locally in properties of data and in 6/7 hidden columns of jqGrid: level, parent, isLeaf, expanded, loaded, icon (one use lft and rgt instead of parent in case of usage treeGridModel: "nested"). New version of free jqGrid eliminates unneeded hidden columns and uses only local data.

additionalProperties option of free jqGrid 4.9

During reading input data jqGrid read all data for colModel skipping three reserved columns "rn" (created in case of usage rownumbers: true option), "cb" (created in case of usage multiselect: true option) and "subgrid" (created in case of usage subGrid: true option). Old version of jqGrid (or free jqGrid) have no direct possibility to read and to save locally additional properties of every item of input data.

New additionalProperties option allows to specify array of properties which needed be read from every item of input data. In case of usage TreeGrid jqGrid insert the properties of treeReader (level, parent, isLeaf, expanded, loaded and icon in case of usage treeGridModel: "adjacency") at the end of additionalProperties array. It makes unneeded to extend colModel with the data.

To read any custom properties of input items and to save the values in data together with other data one need just specify the names of the properties in the additionalProperties array.