Ideas of hooks to implement - fredericrous/git-templates GitHub Wiki
The following list is not a roadmap but a bunch of ideas thrown there:
- post-commit: tag automatically when package version has been incremented (might be armful depending on your CD workflow)
- pre-commit: lint more languages
- pre-commit: check other languages Gemfile.lock, Pipfile.lock, Cargo.lock, composer.lock
- pre-commit: check you are commiting with the usual gpg key (could be slow)
- pre-push: check branch pattern for jira id
- pre-push: prevent force push to a remote branch that has a different name (amolst impossible?)
- commit-msg: commit msg alias. exemple: "."="(prev prefix): more on $(previous commit msg)"
- commit-msg: force user to put a description that contains more than 3 words and a body that contains more than 5 words
Note: Functionallities that are covered by gitattributes and gitignore shouldn't be implemented as hooks.